Chapter 19- a mistake

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I woke up probably an hour later feeling very confused. I opened my eyes to see myself asleep downstairs and as I was turning around I elbowed something or rather, someone.

'Ouch!' I heard a familiar voice next to me.

'James?! What are you doing here? And why were we both asleep on the sofa?!'

'Oh hello to you to missy! You mean you don't remember? Not at all?'

'Well I remember you walking me home, the kiss outside and the kiss inside.. But that doesn't explain why you're shirtless next to me on my sofa'

'So you don't remember then.. As in after the second kiss..'

'No clearly not because I doubt we slept together, I mean, that definitely wouldn't have happened!' I started laughing which eventually slowed down as I saw James wasn't laughing along.

'Wait.. You mean to say we.. Me and you.. Today..'

'Wow, Jas, I don't know what to say.. I mean, I thought you'd remember it..'

'I thought that part was a dream! I remember it very clearly but I didn't think it actually happened!! Wow, I just wow.' I lay back down.

'Are you mad? Like, at me?'

'No of course not! I knew what I was doing, if anything I'm probably more mad at myself!'

'Why yourself?'

I sighed. 'I convinced myself I didn't like you that much because I knew I could never have you. What just happened obviously proved I do still like you, a lot and I hate myself because it doesn't mean as much to you'

'Woah slow down there, who said it doesn't mean much to me?'

I looked up at him. He lay back down and put his arms around me.

'Look, whatever happened did mean something and you know I like you too. That's why I sent that text to Brad apologising to him because I knew he liked you too'

'Ok, don't take this the wrong way but I know what you're like James. You move on from one girl to the next, you've never had a long term relationship. This is why I knew I had no chance with you because I don't just want to be another number for you'

'Jasmine, look at me. I promise I'm not like that anymore. You're not another number to me and I don't want this to be just a one off thing. I want to try with you, I really do. I just promised Brad I wouldn't because of how much he likes you'

'Oh my god Brad. BRAD. He will kill both of us if he found out about us!!'

'Oh so you admit there's an us then?' James cuddled up to me tighter.

'James shut up! What time is it?!'

'Half 7, why?'

'Oh god I'm dead. I am so dead. I'm meant to be going out for dinner with Brad and his family tonight and he's picking me up in half an hour!'

'Oh.. I see..'

'What? James I don't have time for you to get annoyed at me ok, now you can't be here when he comes!'


Ahhh people kept telling me off for splitting up Brasmine, I'm sorry! But I promise you it's not the end of them two! 

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