Chapter 66- home sweet home

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'I don't want to go away for a while, 3 weeks was too long without you Jas'

'I know, it really was a big change. At least you're not scheduled to go away for at least a couple of months though, right?'

'Yeah, I don't think we've got any plans until summer so that's still another 5 months'

'Good, I won't be letting you out of my sight for the next 5 months then' I smiled and hugged him again.

'No hug for your big brother then?' Tris interrupted.

'Of course! Come here you' he picked me up and swung me around. 'I've missed you'

'I've missed you too bub'


We ran to the kitchen to see a cage on he table with some sort of scaly creature in it. Con was the more different one out of all of us and had a thing for reptiles.

'Urm, what is it that mate?' James tried peering into the cage.

'OH MY GOD IT'S A LIZARD' I screamed. 'Can I hold it pretty pretty please?!'

'I never knew you loved reptiles Jas?'

'You're joking right? I've always loved them! I held a snake on holiday, remember?!'

'Oh ew yeah, how could anyone forget' Brad shuddered.

'Please let me hold him Con?' I whined.

'Sure, go for it!' He took him out of the cage and handed him to me.

'Ohhh he's so cute, look at his widdle face' I stuck my bottom lip out and stroked it's head.

'Right put it away, we're not getting a pet lizard Jas'

'We? We don't live together Brad' I laughed as I gave the lizard back to Connor.

'C'mon guys let's get more drinks down us, it's meant to be a party!' Holly yelled.

'Wooo let's go!' I followed.

'Hey guys, hey hey hey let's play never have I ever!!' I was feeling really hyper.

'Ok I'll start seeing as I'm the birthday boy! Hm, never have I ever... Done something naughty in public' he winked.

We all looked awkwardly at each other when Tristan was the only person to have a drink.

'Ew I don't even want to know!' I shuddered at the thought of my brother doing anything with anyone.

'My turn!' Brad said. 'Never have I ever gone for a mates ex'

James, Tristan and Holly were the only ones to drink. The boys all turned to them, surprised.

'Oi oi, who have you been with then boys?' Con nudged them.

'Hey that's not the aim of the game, we don't have to tell our life stories, we just have to drink' James snapped.

As the game went on I started feeling more and more drunk and I started feeling dizzy. I got up to get some food from the kitchen to try and sober up.

'Brb dudes and dudettes' I threw a peace sign up in the air.

'I better go check on her, she's past gone' Brad laughed. 'Oop' he struggled getting up.

'Hey don't worry man, I'll go' James offered.

'Yo Jas, you good?' James said walking into the kitchen.

I turned around with bread stuffed in my mouth and mumbled.

'You know you're still really attractive stuffing bread in your mouth' he moved closer to me.

I looked at him confused. It started getting a bit hot so I opened a window and leant out of it.

'Hey are you feeling ok? Here, drink some water' James handed me a glass and held my hair back.

'Stop' I said.

'Stop what?' He asked so innocently.

'Trying it on with me, I'm happily with my Bradley, I don't need you' I pushed him off me.

'Wait Jas' he grabbed my arm and gently pulled me back to him.

'Get off me' I whispered.

'Hey, listen. I don't want you in that way, you're amazing don't get me wrong but me and Brad are alright now so I don't want to mess that up. I'm not stupid'

I stood there a bit speechless. 'Well, good'

I stumbled back to the front room and sat on Brad's lap. We kept on drinking as we stocked up a lot on the alcohol. I felt tired and tucked myself into Brad's neck as he rubbed my leg.

'Brad, don't do that' I whispered to him.


'You know why..'

'You're not going to throw up on me, are you?'

'No it's not that, I just really want you' I giggled.


I put my head in my hands from the embarrassment. I never was good at whispering.

'Brad and Jas are going to making babies tonight, don't forget your headphones kids!' Holly screamed before bursting out in laughter.


'Blame your girlfriend for not being able to talk quietly!' Con laughed.

'You can't blame me though, I mean would you say no to this adorable face?!'

'I sure wouldn't' Tris winked at us both.

'Excuse you, there's no room for Tradley in this relationship. He's all mine' I put my arms around Brad.

'I call godmother!' Jen called out.

'I'm obviously godfather as well as the cool uncle'

'No but seriously, I really want you right now' I whispered to Brad while everyone was talking amongst themselves.

'Let's go, I can't handle this' he squeezed my thigh and bit his lip.

'Yo we're going to bed, see ya little shits in the morning' Brad piggybacked me upstairs.

'Use protection!' The others shouted from downstairs.

'Be mine' I said to Brad when we were finally alone.

'I'm always yours' he quickly said before his lips came crashing onto mine.

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