Chapter 11- jealousy at it's finest

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*Brad's POV*

I woke up in the best mood ever, after everything that happened with Jas I'm glad we've sorted it out and she knows I won't be going anywhere without her.

'Speaking of home, I better get back, my grandparents wanted to take me out for dinner tonight, I completely forgot!'

I hated it whenever she had to leave but it made the excitement build up for when I next saw her. It was weird though, Jas never texted straight away, she left it about 2 hours before replying.

'I miss you toooo ;) soo, you'll never guess who's offered to help me tidy the house? James! How random! Anyway, I'll text you when I'm back home :) mwah xxxx'

James. Why was he round there helping her clean up? They weren't even close! I haven't even spoken to him in over a week and now he's suddenly all friendly with Jasmine? Something's not right. Why am I even getting so worked up? Reading that text just got to me and I don't know why.


Jas was ringing me. I couldn't answer, she'd be able to tell something was up. I left it.

*1 voicemail from Jas*

'Hey, just checking everything's alright. I haven't heard from you in a while so I started getting a bit worried. Anyway, you're probably busy writing or recording or whatever so I'll just see you tomorrow. Goodnight'

Just hearing her voice made my stomach go weird. My mood better go back to normal by tomorrow or I wouldn't be able to enjoy the day with Jas.


My alarm went off at 9 as I had to take Jess on her walk before going round to Jas'. Whilst I was waiting for my sister to get out of the shower I decided to check if anything interesting was happening on twitter.

@ohitsjas: feeling like you've done something wrong but you can't figure out what is the worst feeling.

@JamesMcVey: @ohitsjas everything ok?

@ohitsjas: @JamesMcVey yeah, don't worry :')

@JamesMcVey: @ohitsjas ok well I'm here if you need me! :) Xx

I decided to text James seeing as I hadn't talked to him in ages, I guess we could do with a catch up.

'Hey man, how you been? Long time no speak! How are you?'

I put my phone down and went in the shower.

'BRAAAD' my sister was shouting my name.



I turned the shower off and didn't say anything. Was she talking about Jas? Oh no what am I meant to do now, I've been ignoring her and she'll obviously ask why! I didn't even know why I was upset.. I didn't think this one through.


Right so I probably had about 2 hours to change my mood and come up with a believable excuse as to why I've been ignoring her, hmm.

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