Chapter 46- end of summer

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*Brad's POV*

The last two weeks have gone by so quick and so much has happened! So firstly, we're officially a band! About a week after Tristan was here we decided he'd be perfect for the band so one evening we decided to ask him if he'd be our drummer. He was so convinced we were joking, it was kind of cute. It was like a proposal! So that was it, officially a band. We put a video up on YouTube under the name 'The Vamps' and I guess it kind of just stuck?

These last two weeks have been super busy for us though, if it wasn't working in the studio we'd already be doing radio interviews! It was surreal. It's just such a dream come true to finally be doing the one thing you've wanted to do your whole life. I've hardly seen my family or Jas though which has been hard. It was the last week of summer and Joe let us have it off so me and Jas decided to head off to Brighton for the weekend to get some quality time alone.

'Hey you, ready to go?' I went over to pick up Jas.

'Ready!' She stood there with her cute birdy backpack, hair up, shorts and dark blue vans. She had that damn lipstick on again too.

'I see someone's prepared for the beach!'

'Oi, that better not be sarcasm Simpson! And anyway, what's wrong with that? It's not like we go to the beach all the time you know'

'I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Chill out!'

'Come on, let's get going' she smiled.

The train journey was about 3 hours but it went by pretty quickly. We've been up since about half 6 so we had a quick nap on the train. We finally reached Brighton by midday, just in time for lunch! We went to a fish and chip shop, of course, which was just by the pier. After we ate we went to sit down on the beach before going on any rides, I don't think either of us wanted to see our lunch again.. It wasn't too busy so it was a peaceful day.

We were sitting on the sand talking like the old days. This is what summer should have been like. We got interrupted a couple of times by girls who asked if they could get a picture with me, they didn't bother too much with Jas which kind of got to me but then I remember she's not my girlfriend so I try to brush it off.

'Thank you for the picture Brad, you're amazing!'

'Aw come here, don't cry' I always feel bad seeing girls cry when I meet them so all I want to do is hug them and tell them not to cry. I think it makes it worse though..

She turned to Jas. 'You're so lucky to have him as your boyfriend you know'

Jas turned to me and did an awkward laugh. 'Oh erm no, I'm not his girlfriend! We're just, friends' she smiled then looked down.

'Oh I'm sorry! I just thought because you guys look super cute together, sorry'

'It's fine' she smiled.

'Anyway, I'll leave you guys to enjoy your day, thanks again Brad!' The girl ran off and left us alone.

I turned to Jas who was sat playing with her fingers in the sand. 'Are you okay baby?'

She sighed. 'I'm fine'

'No you're not, I know you're not'

'I don't know, it was just hard saying we're just friends. It's basically what I've been saying my whole life and when we finally do get together I can't even say it in public!'

'Hey I know it's horrible but it'll only be for a little while ok, you know I'd love to tell the world you're my girlfriend!'

'Sorry, I know it's not your fault. I guess I just didn't realise how hard it would be'

'Come here' I pulled her in for a hug and ran my fingers through her hair. I kissed her head and told her everything will be alright. It seems like I've had to say that a lot since the band started.

It got to about 4 o'clock and we decided to go on the rides before going home.

'Brad I'm so scared. What if like the ride breaks and we fall into the sea?!'

'Then I'll be your hero and save you' I laughed.

'Brad this is serious! You know how scared I get thinking of things like this!' She held onto my hand tighter.

'Look, I promise nothing like that will happen ok. Trust me' I reassured her.


'See, now how much fun did you have?!'

'I loved that! Can we go again please please please?'

'Sorry, remind me again how old you are?' I laughed.

'Alright, you were right. Is that what you wanted to hear?'

'Well no but now you've said it, it does sound really good'

'Oh shush you!' She nudged me.

'Make me' I turned to her and winked.

We were just by the bottom of the beach, near the sea when Jas lifted up onto her tiptoes and put her arms around my neck. I lightly kissed her nose which made her smile. I picked her up by her legs as she kissed me and span her around. Just as I did that a gush of water came in and whacked against my leg causing me to buckle a bit and I fell backwards, bringing Jas down with me. We were both sat in the sea laughing.

'Only this could happen to us!'

'Well next time you want to kiss me Simpson, don't do it near the bloody sea when the tide's coming in!'

'Then can I do it when we're already in the sea with the tide coming in?' Before I could let her say anything I pulled her in by the legs, put one hand on her face and gently began kissing her. I could feel her smiling as I kissed her, it was cute.

'OH MY GOD IS THAT BRAD FROM THE VAMPS?!' We heard a girl scream and broke apart quicker than the speed of light. The girl was pretty far away so I don't think she saw me and Jas kissing, well I'm really hoping she didn't!

The girl got closer as I tried to pull myself out of the water, Jas swam a couple of miles down before getting out. The girl was totally fine, she didn't say anything so I'm guessing she didn't see anything. I guess I didn't really think I would actually get recognised when I was out.. It's so weird.

After I took a picture with the girl and talked for a bit, it was nearly 7:30 and was beginning to get dark so most people started going home and the beach was becoming emptier. I walked over to see Jas shivering by herself.

'Hey come here, you're freezing!' I got a blanket we brought with us and wrapped in around her and hugged her tight. 'I'm so sorry I had to leave you in the cold' I whispered.

'It's fine'

'No it's not fine and I know it's not. I wish this stupid rule didn't exist and that I can proudly show everyone that you're my girlfriend'

'It's fine, man up and stop being such a girl about it!' Before I could say anything, Jas had picked up a handful of sand and threw it at me!

'Ooh I'll get you for that Jasmine! Watch out!'

I began chasing her along the beach, I guess this is why she was always in the running events in sports day.. she was like a cheetah! Eventually I caught up with her and as I grabbed her hand she tripped, pulling me down with her. We looked at each other then laughed, lying in the sand.

'Thanks for breaking my fall, stranger' I winked.

'Anytime' she giggled.

I looked into her eyes, they were filled with such sadness, I could see. I lifted up her chin and whispered, 'I love you' before planting a soft kiss on her lips. We didn't fancy going home that day ao we checked into a hotel and spent the night together.

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