Chapter 70- just like we used to

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*Brad's POV*

Tristan had come round and we just chilled for a bit. It was still a tiny bit tense but I reckon that's only because I found it awkward whereas he didn't. We were just chatting away until Tris decided to bring up the whole Lucy situation.

'Hey dude, I just want you to know that nothing's happening with Lucy..'

'Are you sure?'

'Well, I mean there's nothing not happening? But it's not anything like dating or anywhere near that level'

'So there is something?'

'We're talking, that's about it'

'So what is it then Tris because if you two have a thing going on then I really don't want to finish this conversation with you' I said quite bluntly.

'Look, what exactly is your problem with her? She's your ex? So what, big deal. That was 2 years ago, you've clearly moved on!'

'I couldn't care less if you wanted to go after my ex girlfriend, go for it! She's a bitch Tris, trust me. She may seem all sweet and innocent but watch when she gets close to you and to all of us.. Just watch what happens'

'Jas would be fine with it so why can't you be?!' He spat.

'Have you actually talked to her about it?' He looked down. 'No, that's what I thought. Because if you had then you'd know she could never be ok with it! That bitch made her life hell at school and if you don't know all that then you need a serious chat with your sister'

'You're just over exaggerating Brad, this was two whole years ago! She's changed!'

'TRISTAN CAN YOU HEAR YOURSELF. You've known this girl all of what, 5 minutes, and you're saying 'she's changed', how would you know if you never knew he before?!'

'Oh whatever Brad, you're just jealous!'

'Me? Jealous?!' I laughed. 'Of what exactly?' Tristan stood in silence. 'No, come on, please do enlighten me on how I'm jealous of you and her because I'd love to hear your thoughts'

'Just leave it alright, you don't know anything about our relationship!'

'You know what, I'm not even going to have this argument with you so just leave!'

Tristan stormed out the door.

'Don't come running back to me when your 'relationship' goes tits up and she turns everyone against you!' I screamed after him.

I slammed the door shut, I was fuming! How could he ignore everything I tell him? This girl is poison and he'll learn the hard way if he's not careful. Ungrateful bastard.

'Oi! What's all the shouting and slamming about?!' My mum came storming in.

'Ugh just leave me alone mum! I'm going out!'

I grabbed my coat and slammed the door on my way out. I didn't know where I was going, I was just walking. More like speed walking in anger to be honest. I didn't go to see Jas because I thought Tristan would be there and we both need to cool off. I found a park bench to sit on while I tried to get rid of this frustration. My phone buzzed and it was 'that girl from the music video', in reality we all knew it was Lucy. I kept ignoring her calls, you'd think she get the hint by now, but she kept ringing and ringing.

'WHAT?!' I picked up.


'Yeah what do you want?'

'Are you okay?'

'Yeah, bloody terrific'

'You don't seem it..'

'Ugh what do you want Lucy because I really don't have time for you right now'

'Charming. I was going to ask if we could meet up, just to talk!'

'Talk about what? We literally have nothing to talk about!'

'Please Brad? 10 minutes max'

'Alright whatever, I'm at the park near the old petrol station in town, meet me here'

She arrived in less than 15 minutes and we stood in silence for a while.

'Alright so what did you want to talk about then?

'Please don't be mad at Tristan, he's done nothing wrong'

I scoffed. 'I should have known he'd come running to you. So what, has he sent you to apologise on his behalf?'

'Brad I think you're being a bit rude..'

'Oh you think so do you? Good'

'What has got into you?! You never used to be like this. Is this was going out with Jasmine does to a guy?' She laughed.

'Don't you dare mention her name! You made her life hell and you know it. I was being a decent friend and warning Tris but he's having none of it. You've probably got some sort of hold over him, knowing you' I spat.

'Brad' she moved closer. 'I miss you, I do'

'And? It's been 2 years Lucy, we've both moved on. You're with Tristan now so what's the point in even telling me this?'

'I thought you'd miss me too..' She looked down to the ground.

'Lucy, I don't know how many more times I can tell you this, we were over years ago. I've moved on and I'm happy with Jasmine. Why can't you let me go?!'

'I can't ever let you go, don't you see? I've always loved you'

'Lucy, don't'

'No I'm being serious!'

'How many times do I need to tell you, I have moved on and you're now with somebody else! Somebody who's a bloody brilliant guy and deserves to be treated the way he'd treat anyone! I don't want to stay and watch you mess him around like you did me' I got up. 'You really need to leave'

'I can't!'

'What exactly do you expect me to do?! Just break up with Jas and start again with you? You don't understand what we've been through, I never want to lose her'

As I was about to turn and walk away, I felt her hand grab mine. I slowly turned around.


'Brad, please. I'm sorry for everything and I do really mean it'

'Oh, please don't cry. You know I'm no good with crying' we sat back down on the bench.

'Everything will be fine' I sat and wiped a tear from her cheek. 'Tristan's the most genuine guy I know, I don't want to see him get hurt, please. If you can't promise me that you'll love him like you loved me then I am begging you to just walk away now. Please'

'But nothing's the same with him like it was with you' she said, sniffling.

'Well it isn't going to be is it? Me and Tristan are two separate people. You can't move forward if you're always looking in the past'

'Can we spend some time together? Nothing funny, I promise. I'd love to hang with you, sitting in the park picking grass, sitting on the swings for hours and have random long chats about everything.. just like we used to. What do you say?'

'I can't' I whispered. 'I'm really sorry Luce but I'm not about to do anything that could jeopardise my relationship with both Jas and Tristan..'

'Please' she cried.

'It's too late Luce, it's over..'

I got up and walked off. I did feel a bit horrible, thinking back to some things I said, but why does she expect things to go back to how they were? Like honestly. The sooner she realises she has to move on, the easier her life will become.

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