Chapter 12

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'MUUUM' I shouted through the house. 'I'm just taking Jesse for her walk, I'm not taking my keys so make sure you're at home!'

Ooh it sure was chilly outside today. I guess summer didn't last long.. I decided to take a different route whilst walking my dog this morning, just so I could get some peace and quiet and have some thinking time.

What do I say to Jas? Do I make something up or just tell her the truth? What even was the truth.. That I was jealous? But jealous of what. It's not like her and James went out together, he helped clean her house? Wow, I probably sound really pathetic. A familiar giggle took me away from my thoughts.

'No Jess come back!!' Before I knew it Jesse's lead slipped out of my hand and she was running towards someone who looked a lot like Jasmine. I went after Jesse and came across Jasmine and another person. It was James.


'Oh hey.. I'm really sorry about Jesse, she doesn't normally run off like that' I stood there feeing a bit awkward. I don't even know why.

'Hey man, I got your text by the way. Sorry for not replying, I was about to but somehow I've ended up in the park with this one!' James pointed at Jas and started laughing.

'Oiii! 'This one' has a name thank you very much.'

'Ha oh right well I better get back to my walk and leave you two alone' I wrapped Jesse's lead tight around my hand and tried to make a quick exit.

'I'll see you later then?' I heard Jas call out behind me. I pretended I couldn't hear her so didn't answer.

*Jas' POV*

Well that was weird. Brad's been ignoring me and now when I finally see him he's being really weird with me? It's like he didn't even want to see me today.

'Well I wasn't expecting to see Brad here'

'I know! Did you notice he was acting a bit weird?' Me and James went to sit on a bench.

'Oh I wouldn't worry about him, he'll be back to normal when you see him later!'

'IF I see him, it doesn't even look like he'll be coming round anymore!'

'Aw I'm sure he will! Who would pass up an opportunity to spend the day with you ey' James looked at me with his big blue eyes and smiled, man he looked beautiful.

'Yeah yeah whatever you say'

'I'm being serious! I know I wouldn't' he did the cute half smile again. Gosh I wish he stopped with that, It made it hard not to be attracted to him.

'Ooh it's getting a bit cold out here isn't it? Maybe I might head back to mine and try to call Brad again'

'Aw I was enjoying your company!' James did the puppy dog eyes that Brad always did and wow, I felt like jelly.

'Ohhhh go on then, I'll stay a bit longer'

'Yesss, James gets the girl!' He put on some cartoon superhero voice which left me in a laughing fit.

'Hahahaha you're such a weirdo!'

'Well I don't see you complaining' he shot me a quick wink.

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