Chapter 57- where are you and I'm so sorry

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'Good morning baby' I walked into the front room, breakfast made, expecting Jas to still be asleep.. she was gone. I placed the tray down on the table and saw a note left from her.

'Sorry, I overslept so was already late for school, didn't want to wake you. See you later xxx'

I put the piece of paper down on the side, sat down on the sofa and let out a massive sigh. Does she know we're leaving for 3 weeks? Is that why she's acting weird with me? I don't know. Do I wait for her to contact me first or do I just leave her for a while, hm. I decided to forget about it all at the moment and went upstairs to begin packing.

*1 message from Tris*

'Hey man, tell Jas I need her help with packing! You can't keep her all to yourself you know!!'

*1 message to Tris*

'Well if she was here I'd tell her but she's not, she's at school'

*1 message from Tris*

'Brad, school finished over an hour ago... She didn't come home so I thought she was with you?'

I looked at the time and Tris was right. It was coming up to 5 o'clock meaning Jas had finished school an hour and a half ago now.. where did the time go? More importantly, where was Jas? I assumed she would have gone out with the girls but she hadn't. Holly and Jenn came round asking if they could see her.

'What do you mean she's not here? Where else would she be?' Jenn asked.

'Well didn't you guys walk her home like you normally do?'

'Brad, she didn't even come into school today!'

'Wait, what?'

'Yes! Why do you think we're worried?!'

'But-but she left a note saying she didn't want to wake me up because she was late for school? Where else would she go?'

'Well that's why we're here, did she seem alright to you?'

'Yeah, well.. no, no not really. I could tell something was up and I tried to get it out of her but she insisted nothing was wrong, so i left it..'

'Oh great!'

'Hey, Jenn, calm down. It's not Brad's fault' Holly tried to calm Jenn down.

'I know, I'm sorry for snapping at you Brad'

'No, it's alright. We're all just worried about her'

'And besides, you know what Jas is like.. if it was something serious she would tell us'

'Yeah but we also know that she hates worrying others so she might not say anything because she thinks it'll help us'

'Girls, stop! Stop thinking the worst of her. She's safe, I know she is' I walked out, I couldn't stay listening to all these theories about Jas.

I decided to ring Tristan and tell him how she didn't go to school. I went round and we tried to think of where she could have gone. We both tried the obvious thing and ring her but it just kept going straight to voicemail. Tris told me to go to her bedroom and see if there were any clues as to where she could be but I knew she'd kill me if she found out I went through her things. Tristan stayed downstairs ringing who he could think of that might have seen her today or have an idea where she would be.

I walked into Jas' bedroom and didn't know where to start. I looked straight ahead and saw a big circle drawn around today's date. I sat on her bed trying to figure out if that meant something, but what was today? January 5th. I couldn't think of anything that today symbolised. I looked back to her calander and saw a picture of her and her dad on her mirror. That's when it hit me! Today would have been her dad's birthday.

I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. Before Tris could ask where I was going I ran out the door. I didn't know she'd definitely be here but it was worth a shot, I got a taxi to the cementary where her dad was buried. I paid the driver, got out, and walked to where her dad was laid to rest. It took a while to remember where he was buried as it was dull and rainy on the day of the funeral but I finally found it. I saw Jas sat down next to the headstone, talking.

'It's funny because you always used to say that one day I'd miss all the times you used to annoy me and joke around with me, I never believed you. I thought 'no, I really won't' but here I am, sitting here talking to you when you're what, 10ft under? saying I miss it, I miss it all. So this week at school has been the toughest, I've had so many decisions to make and I could have really used your help dad. If only you were still here to guide me. Oh, you'll be happy to know Brad and I are back together. You were right, he's definitely a keeper. Except now I've been shutting him out during my decision making, I don't know how he'd react. I mean, I know he wants me to be happy and I will be, but does that include hurting him? Oh dad, where are you? I hope you're proud of me from up there, I promise I'll never let you down. I love you to the moon and back'
Jas had started crying and I felt it was the right time to go over and just hug her. We both sat there just in silent, we didn't need to say anything.

'He's proud of you, I know he is' I whispered to her.

'How-how did you know I was here?'

'I used my brain' she chuckled slightly. 'Look Jas, I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you recently. I hate that I have to leave you for 3 weeks as well, especially now. I know it might seem like I'm not here but you know I always am. No matter what time, or day, if you need me I'll be there'

'I'm sorry for worrying you'

'Hey, don't be silly. I understand you miss your dad and that's normal. If you ever want to come down here or you're just having a bad day then call me ok, I'm with you every step of the way remember?'

'Thank you, I love you'

'I love you too. Come on, let's get you home. The others are going out of their minds over you'

We got in a taxi to go back home. I don't know if Jas realised I was standing there the whole time but I can't stop thinking about this 'decision'. What does she mean by hurting me? Do I ask her? Probably not right now. I swear, this trip to America could not have come at a worse time.

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