Chapter 59- America

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*Jas' POV*

So it was here. The day my boyfriend and brother go to America for 3 weeks. No matter how many times I tell myself I'll be alright, I know I won't be. Wow, people must think I'm such a sadcase. I looked at my phone and it was 7:30 in the morning meaning their flight was due to leave in half an hour. I had a text from both Brad and Tristan saying bye and Tris promised he'd look after Brad, bless him. As much as I wanted to go back to sleep I had to get up for school so I went downstairs to grab some breakfast.

'Morning darling, did you sleep well?'

'Define well mum'

'Oh I'm sorry love, I didn't think. Don't worry, they'll be back before you know it!'

'I hope so' I sighed.

'Right, I'm off to work so I'll see you later. Oh and something came for you this morning, I didn't really look, I left it on the side'

'Alright, thanks. Have a good day' I kissed mum goodbye and went to look at what was left for me.

It was a teddy bear, very simliar looking to the one I bought Brad and there was also a necklace around it. I took it off and turned it around, on the back engraved was; 'love always, B x' I held it tight and quickly shut my eyes to stop myself from crying. I ran upstairs to get ready or I would be late for school. As I was leaving the house, I looked in the mirror and put on the necklace, smiled, and made my way to school.

*Brad's POV*

10 minutes until we were due to take off and all I wanted to do was hear Jas' voice one last time. We had to turn off our phones so I texted her really quickly and promised I'd text when we landed. I sat next to Tristan by the window while Connor, James and Joe were in the middle isle in the 3 seater.

@BradleyWillSimpson: America here we come!!! #ladsontour


9 and a half hours later we finally landed in LA. The minute we stepped off that plane, the heat hit us like mad. The weather out here is brilliant! We made our way down to collect our luggage and went through customs etc. We walked out of the airport and it was crazy that there were actually fans waiting for us on the other side! We definitely didn't expect that. After taking pictures with fans we got escorted to our taxi that took is straight to the hotel. Wow, did I really just say 'escorted'? We got to the hotel and went to our rooms; me and Tris in one and James, Connor and Joe in another.

'Right, first things first. Text my sister and let her know we're alright'

'Yes sir' I laughed at Tristan.

Joe came in our room in less than 10 minutes of getting settled in telling us we were scheduled for a radio interview. Already?! I quickly hit send on my text to Jas, put my phone away and followed Joe.

The afternoon went pretty quick but we were all knackered by about 6 because of the time difference. Thank god we had the rest of the evening and tomorrow off so we can relax and actually enjoy LA! We got back and all decided to sit in our room watching random American TV whilst pigging out on room service.

'Hey!' James shot up. 'Let's do a twitcam for the fans back home!'

'But it's like 2 in the morning in the UK?'

'Oh damn yeah. Well let's tweet it now and do it tomorrow at 8 their time so that's what, like 12 noon for us?'

'Yeah sounds good to me!' Connor joined in.

'Yeah alright' Tris went to tweet it off the band account.

'Let's order some beer eh?'

'Yeah I'm sure Joe would love to know we've been drinking here!' James always was the sensible one.

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