Chapter 68- chocolate suits you, you know

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Yesterday was pretty much the best day ever, I don't think I need to remind you why. I text Tristan that evening saying he didn't have to bring food around as me and Brad decided to watch a film and eat junk food which was pretty standard. It was Monday morning which meant back to school, ugh. I woke up at 7 in so much pain, I could barely walk!

*1 message to Brad*

'Bloody hell, I'm in so much pain today. What did you do to me :( xxxxx'

*1 message from Brad*

'That's how you know I'm good ;) xxxxx'

I laughed as I read the text and put my phone down to charge. It was pretty painful walking down the stairs but I couldn't take the day off as I had a Psychology test today. It wasn't a real test, just one of those end of unit ones but it's better to just get it over and done with now rather than delay it.

I managed to get myself ready, taking about 20 minutes longer than I usually do, and went to meet the girls to walk to school.

'Jas, why are you walking like a penguin?'

'I just erm, I pulled a muscle whilst exercising yesterday'

'You? Exercising?' The girls burst out laughing.

'Hey! I exercise here and there you know'

'She's blushing! She did the deed!'

'Holl! Shhh keep your voice down will you!'

'So you did?! Bloody hell I don't even want to hear about it' she laughed.

I shook my head at her and we went our separate ways to class. I had a free period which was an hour and a half before my test so I decided to go to the library and study in peace. I had a massive headache so it was hard to concentrate.

*1 message from Brad*

'Be ready for half 7 tonight, I'm picking you up and taking you out for dinner xxxxx'

That put a massive smile on my face, it got me through the day and my test. Once my test was over it was a relief and I was feeling more relaxed but still had my headache. I had 3 more lessons to get through before I could go home and get ready for my date. Oh god, what am I going to wear?!

'Hey Jas, wow you looked stressed out'

'Yeah, cheers Jen' I gave her evils.

'What's up?'

'Brad's taking me out for dinner tonight and I don't know what to wear, I want to wear something that he's never seen me in before'

'Come round mine after school and I'll help you pick something out, ok?'

'Thank you'


It was 7 and I was finishing off my make up and hair. I had borrowed a long, red, backless dress from Jen which I instantly fell in love with. It was plain so I didn't want to add anything to it, I didn't want to look overdressed. I did my hair in loose curls and did a messy bun. I applied a tiny bit of foundation and of course, my red lipstick. I also took a quick selfie because, well, why wouldn't I? I quickly uploaded it to Instagram, as you do, then went downstairs to find some shoes to wear. I didn't wear massive heels because I didn't know where we going so I wore black block heels that weren't that tall. It was half 7 and right on time, there was a knock on the door.

'Wow, you definitely look more stunning than the picture' Brad's eyes scanned me up and down.

'You weren't meant to see it!'

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