Chapter 48- first day back

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I woke up with someones arms around me, completely forgetting the fact Brad stayed round last night. I looked at my phone to check the time, 1 minute until my alarm was supposed to go off. I slowly climbed out of Brad's arms and went to get ready.

I can't believe today was the first day of the most important year of my life. Where did the time go?! I hope I get a good timetable this year, I'm just happy I dropped History last year because this year will be so much more fun. I'm currently studying Pyschology, English Lit and Photography. If I could've done those subjects at GSCE I would've loved it! I guess English has always been my favourite subject, I don't really know why. At first I always wanted to become a teacher but then I got into GCSE'S and that dream quickly went away. I also wanted to be a model, like pretty much every girl in the world??? Oh and not forgetting an actress. I don't really know what I want to be when I'm older, I guess I'll see where life takes me.

I got out of the shower and put on my bathrobe. I went to my room to pick an outfit for today. I hadn't realised just how much stuff I bought during the summer.. I went casual with a pair of dark blue high waisted skinnies, my black Jack Daniels top and a red knitted cardigan.

'Morning beautiful' Brad said whilst yawning.

I turned to him and smiled. 'Morning you'

'Come here' I walked over to him and he pulled me in for a hug.

'Today will be really weird without you. What am I meant to say if people ask?'

'Tell them the truth? I don't know, I doubt they'll even notice'

'Are you for real? Brad, we're practically joined at the hip and you're telling me no one will notice if you're not there?'

'Woah, calm down ok!'

'I'm sorry I just- I can't do this without you' I whispered.

'Baby, look at me. You don't need me by your side, we both know that. Yes, it will be weird not having me there but you have tons of other people who will keep you company and are just as good as me. We've both known I wouldn't be the one to get the high grades and go off to uni and be really successful and all that, we all knew that would be you. I hated all the hard work and revision, I've always been more of the creative type. That's why me and you work so well together! Okay?'

'Yeah but-'

'No buts. Now you listen to me, today and every other day will be amazing ok. This year will be your best year, I don't want you to look back and regret not making the most of it!'

'God I haven't even started school yet and I've already had a lecture for the day' I tried to laugh.

'Hey, don't be sad. Please?'

'Alright, I promise I'll stop moping around. Will I see you tonight?'

'Of course! I'll be right here when you get back from school' he smiled.


'I promise. I love you'

'I love you too' I kissed him and off I went to school.

It was weird not walking to school with someone. It was only a 15 minute walk anyway so I wasn't alone a lot. I walked through the school gates and saw Jenn and Holly standing by B block. I ran over to them.

'Hey girls!'

'Hey! Where's Brad?' Holly jumped straight in with the questions.

I looked to Jenn and then back to Holly. 'He urm, he's not coming in'

'He's ill!' Jenn jumped in.

'Ill? Is he okay?'

'Oh yeah it's just the flu, nothing major' I awkwardly laughed.

'Aw well I hope he gets better soon!'

'Yeah. Anyway, let's get going to form, I'm dying to know my timetable!'

The three of us walked to form and Jenn gave me a reassuring smile. We got registered and then got handed our timetables. Yes! I had 9 free's a week, and only Photography on Friday mornings which meant I had a longer weekend! And look, Mondays I got to start at 11 with only two lessons, this timetable ruled. The girls were pleased with their timetables too.

The day went by quite quick to be honest, I don't think I even had time to be missing Brad! We got straight into our work in all my subjects, they all kept badgering on about UCAS and uni and all that, I started to feel sick. I text Brad at lunch saying I missed him and I couldn't wait to see him but he didn't reply so he probably fell back asleep.


It was finally home time and I walked back home with the girls. Holly asked if she could go see Brad and once again Jenn jumped in with an excuse, god I was lucky to have that girl! I don't know why I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth though, it's not like she won't find out soon anyway.

I got home and walked in with a big smile on my face, ready to see Brad. The house was quiet so I figured he must have been upstairs or something. I went to the kitchen to get a drink and I put my keys down on the side. Something dropped on the floor as I walked past, a piece of paper.

'Hey darling, hope you had a great first day back! Please don't be mad but Joe wanted to see us so I might be gone a while. I'll come round after though, I love you xxx'

My mood instantly dropped. I know it's not his fault so I can't be pissed off at him, I was just kind of expecting a quiet night in with him. Oh well, I guess it's just me then.

I went upstairs to change into my pyjamas and debated whether to start my English essay now or wait until tomorrow. Eh. I'll wait. I turned on my laptop and decided to look at the choices of universities, just to get an idea of things.

I was thinking of studying English Lit and Theatre studies or Psychology. I know, two completely different subjects! I've always had my heart set on acting and I know there's a really good uni in London that does my course but that's over 3 hours away.. I don't know if I could go that far away from home.

*1 message from Tristan*

'Boo! Just finished at the studio, do you fancy grabbing a takeaway tonight and we can watch a film? Xx'

*1 message to Tristan*

'Hey, sounds perfect! I think I was meant to do that with Brad tonight though.. Sorry :( xx'

*1 message from Tristan*

'Ow, rejected for the cute curly haired one! I see!! No I'm joking, that's cool. I'll just go out with the boys or something then and leave you guys to it. Enjoy! :-) xx'

Ha, my brother's so weird. I looked at the time and it was already reaching 7. I text Brad asking where he was but he didn't reply.

It got later and later and I gave up waiting for Brad. I made myself some pasta then went upstairs to sleep. It was about 11 when I heard Tris come in and a familiar brummie accent followed. I heard them come upstairs and pretended to be asleep.

'I'll see you in the morning man, good luck with my sister! She's a tough nut to crack' Tristan went off the spare room and I heard Brad creep into my room.

'I'm so so sorry about tonight, we just lost track of time. I love you' he whispered as he kissed my forehead and climbed in beside me.

I'll pretend I didn't hear it because it did piss me off. Was he not able to text me or even call? Clearly not.


Hey! Hope you're enjoying it so far! If you haven't already then please go check the post before this and if you have then I'm glad/hope you guys understand :) I'll try not to leave long gaps between updates but I can't promise anything! Thanks for all the comments and votes again, they're really starting to pick up so I'm happy! It motivates me to update more haha, thank youuu


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