Chapter 62

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We shot the whole video today and so nearly avoided the kiss until our director suddenly remembered it, dammit. We had done so many shots today that I was starting to doubt if I was even still alive, I didn't feel human. I haven't said a word to Lucy since the beginning of the shoot, everyone could see how bitter I was about this kiss. Even the boys tried finding alternatives to it but the director was having none of it.

'Right you two, we're running out of space on this final tape so this has to be the last scene we shoot. Don't mess it up' the director shouted.

I gulped and took a deep breath. This is it, I thought to myself. One quick kiss and it's over, I can do it. Jas will understand, right?

'Right. Are we ready?' The cameramen got into place as the director was getting ready to shout 'action'.

I turned to the boys who could see how badly I wanted to avoid this before turning around to Lucy and closed my eyes.

'Ok! Final shoot of the day! 3, 2, 1 and action!'

When I opened my eyes again I was stood on the side with everyone glaring at Tristan.

'What just happened???'

'TRISTAN. Over here, now.' Joe shouted. We all went over. 'What the hell was that?!'

Tristan turned to me and winked. 'I've always got your back buddy'

Maybe I should explain. I closed my eyes waiting for the director to yell action and when it happened, I felt a push. Tris has pushed me out of the way and went in for the kiss with Lucy, he did my part for me! When I opened my eyes I was obviously confused because I didn't know what had happened but I caught Tristan's eye and he gave me that 'thank me later' look. Joe, on the other hand, didn't see the positive side to it.

'You better hope he doesn't turn around and say he doesn't want to produce this video anymore Tristan. I hope you know what you could cost us' Joe walked off to find the director.

'Dude, what the hell?!'

'Tris man, I can't believe you just did that! For me?!'

'Hey, look, it was nothing. And besides, it's not like one of these whipped losers would have done it, hey? I don't want you and Jas falling out, this is the last thing she needs right now'

'You're actually the best, I so owe you'

'It's alright, she's quite good looking you know' he winked.

'Dude! No, please no. I swear if you go near her Jasmine would bite your head off'

'What, why?'

'Lucy is literally Jas' worst enemy, seriously just don't go down that road'

'Alright, fine. Now come on, let's go see how much trouble I'm in..'

We all slowly walked over to Joe and the director and stood in an awkward silence.

'Tristan, I understand why you did what you did and I'm willing to let that slide for now but I'm warning you, don't ever do that again. Other people might not be as understanding and forgiving as me'

'Wow erm yes sir, I'm real sorry'

'Right well that's a wrap, everyone go home' the director yelled.

'I'll meet you boys back at the hotel' Joe waved us off as we got a taxi back.

'Woah that was a close call dude, you're lucky!'

'I know, I have a feeling Joe won't let this go though'

'Oh come on, Joe's a reasonable man, he'll be alright'

We got back to the hotel and rushed upstairs to avoid getting into anymore trouble. Me being the clumsy person I am, ended up bumping into Lucy on the way up.

'Oh er hi'

'Look I'm sorry, I didn't realise we had to kiss today!'

'Wait a minute, you knew we were shooting together didn't you? You knew you were going to be in our video!'

She stood in silence.

'If you didn't know about the kiss then you could've still told me you were in it, what's the harm in that?'

'Brad do you not understand how bad that would've looked? Me, your ex, starring as the lead role in your first music video. Hello??'

'No one knows you're my ex though do they? No fan would possibly know that!'

'Er I guess you're right..'

'Well whatever, I'm just glad we didn't kiss because that wouldn't have gone down well, I'm lucky I have Tristan'

'Oh right, with Jasmine'

'Yeah, she was cool with you being here but I reckon a kiss would've sent her raging'

'Serves her right' she muttered under her breath.

'What was that?'

'Oh, nothing! Anyway I better get going, see you around' she kissed me on the cheek and off she went.

*Jas' POV*

*1 message from Jenn*

'I'll be around in 5 x'

I didn't end up going back to school after my Skype call with Brad so Jenn came round in the evening to keep me company. My mum has a business trip next week so the girls said they'd stay round because I hated staying in on my own.

'Hey, you alright?'

'Yeah I'm good, come in'

We just spent the night chilling out watching random stuff on TV. We did the usual girly stuff which of course included gossiping.

'So you heard about Lucy then?'

'Yeah, I saw it on Instagram..'

'Ugh, well at least she took the picture down' I turned on my laptop.

'No she didn't? In fact she uploaded another one just now. Who said it was taken down?'

'Brad said she said she'd take it down.. What's she posted now?'


'Show me'

Jenn gave me her phone and it was a group picture with the boys with the caption, 'Great day shooting with these lads, they're going to be big! Watch out!' I threw the phone down on the sofa.

'I feel sick. She's in their video?! What the hell?!'

'Hey calm down ok, I'm sure the boys didn't know. You know Brad would've said something by now if he knew, just wait until you talk to him next ok?'

Something else had my attention. 'That bitch!'

'Excuse me?'

I pushed my laptop off my lap an stood up in rage. I've had it up to here with that girl, she disappeared for two years and suddenly she's like an annoying rash you can't get rid of. I'm so done with her.

Jenn took my laptop and looked at the page I was on. Her eyes widened. It was an American article where they had a page for 'celebrity gossip' and on there was none other than Brad Simpson. Oh and who was he with, oh yes, it was Lucy. It was a picture of the two of them in a hotel lobby and she was kissing his cheek. They were the 'hot couple of the week' according to the headline. I thought I could forget about it but it's hard when you have fans constantly tweeting you about it.

'Jas, calm down yeah? Don't do anything rational'

'Do you know what, all this time I was worried about leaving him but clearly he can cope just fine on his own!'

'Leaving him? What are you talking about?'

'What? Oh, no, nothing' I took a step back before I had more word vomit.


Hey so I'll probably re-edit this chapter in a couple of days and fix it up because I'm writing this in the hospital so I'm just doing what I can. If it's bad then I'm sorry, I've been on holiday and just had a crazy week so writing isn't really a main priority right now, I hope you guys understand x

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