Chapter 80- two can play this game

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So like the boys arranged, we had a pizza night round Brad's. Luckily the atmosphere was alright and not awkward. I think us girls have just learnt to stay out of each others way. It was only 7 so I wasn't that hungry so I left the others to eat pizza whilst I just joined in the conversations. It was nice hanging out with everyone again, we hadn't done something like this in ages.

'Brad darling, me and your dad will leave you guys to it, we're going out. Have fun and behave'

As Brad's mum was walking out of the living room she almost did a double take and came back in.

'Is that..? No, it can't be' Her eyes turned to me.

'Hiya Mrs Simpson, long time no see!' Lucy shot up and went to hug her.

'Yes, it has been a while hasn't it'

'I've missed you all so much!' Thinking she said it quietly, Lucy hugged her again whilst we all just exchanged looks with eachother.

I scoffed.

Brad gave me a look. 'What's up with you?'

Jen heard and turned to both of us.

My eyes widened, 'Nothing' I said bluntly.

'Well we better get going, enjoy your night guys' Brad's parents left.

'Aw your mum's still the cutest ever'

*1 message from Brad's mum*

'Was that as awkward for you as it was for me?! That was strange seeing her here.. Enjoy your night! Xxx'

I laughed as I read the text and put my phone away. At least Brad's mum wasn't suddenly Lucy's new best friend like her son was. We sat there for another hour at least just listening to Brad and Lucy going out about how much she 'loved' his family. I couldn't stand it. I excused myself to go to the toilet.

I heard a knock at the door and quickly splashed water over my face. 'I'll be out in a minute!' I shouted. I know I needed to get my act together before I went downstairs or everyone would know there was something up. I heard another knock. 'I'm coming!'

I opened the door to see Tristan hanging about in the hallway.

'Hey, I came to see if you were alright'

'Yeah course, why wouldn't I be!'I faked a smile.

Tristan looked at me. 'You're not fooling anyone, especially not me. Look..'

'Ugh I don't want a speech ok! I get that you're all friends with someone I don't like, it's fine! I came to enjoy a night in with my closest friends and that's what I'm going to do' I pushed past Tristan and made my way back downstairs.

'Everything ok?' Brad asked as I went to sit beside him.

'Course' I smiled.

'That's my girl' he smiled back and took my hand in his.

Now I could be one of those bitter girlfriends who liked to rub my relationship in other peoples faces, because I saw Lucy looking, but I wasn't going to play that game. I didn't see the point. Whilst everyone else was in conversations of their own Brad asked if I was coming to his sister's birthday meal in a couple of weeks.

'Why does Lucy keep looking over at us?' He tried to discreetly whisper to me.

'Oh I don't know, could be the fact she's still in love with you? Who knows..'

'Woah, sorry Miss Sarcy..'

I sighed. 'Anyway, yes I'm coming to your sisters birthday meal. It's the weekend after prom right?'

'Err yeah I think so. The 8th?'

'Yeah sounds about right'

'Oh Brad tell your sister I said hi! I think I still have one of her tops you know' Lucy laughed innocently.

'Does this girl ever give up' I muttered under my breath.

'Oh what was that Jas?' She asked, smugly.

'What? Oh nothing. Just remembered something my mum asked me to get on the way back home' I smiled.

Two can play this game.

'Soooo..' Connor said awkwardly.

'Who's excited for prom?! I can't believe we havent had our prom discussion yet guys!' Jen screamed.

'Oh when is it?' Lucy asked.

'In 2 weeks'

'Are you going?' Tristan asked.

'Erm no, it's not really my thing' she looked down.

'Really? You were so excited for it back in year 11' Brad laughed.

I just looked at him.

'Yeah well clearly a lot changes in two years' she snapped back.

'Aw Tris, do you have a date yet?' James asked.

'Awww yeah I forgot, you're the only single one!' I gave him a hug.

'Yeah cheers guys, make me feel even lonelier!'

'We're kidding man, you don't need a date! You're going to prom with your best friends, what more do you need?'

'Oh yeah, my best friends who are all in a relationship with eachother!' Tris laughed.

'I'll be your date!' All eyes just turned to Lucy.

Tristan stuttered. 'Well.. I er..' He got interrupted by his phone ringing. I looked down and it was his mum. 'Oops, be right back!' Tristan jumped up and took the call.

I had to hold in my laughter.

'Did she just invite herself to prom and be Tristan's date....' Jen put in the group chat.


'Guys.. chill. That can't be easy being rejected in front of all of us..' Brad said.

'Oh that's it, I'm going home. This is enough for one night' I shoved my phone in my pocket and made my way out of the room.

'Should I go after her?' I heard Brad say to someone when I was walking out.

That just topped it all off! Since when did my own boyfriend need to ask if he should go and see if I'm alright? Brad never would have asked that! He'd usually run straight after me and not leave until everything was fixed. I was done with everything at the moment.

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