Chapter 67- London?

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I couldn't sleep much because I felt sick so I kept thinking I was going to throw up. I woke up and almost got blinded when I looked at the time on my phone as my brightness was at the highest it could go. It was 7:30am and the house was dead silent. I have no clue what time me and Brad went to sleep but it must've been way after 4 at least. I crept downstairs to get a glass of water when I heard some talking from the kitchen. I forgot everyone was crashed out on the floor in the living room. From the voices I think it was Holly and Connor talking. I sat at the top of the stairs and listened.

'So you've been with James before you were actually with him?'

'Yeah, he was seeing me as well as Jas and that's when we fell out'

'Wait, what? He was seeing Jasmine?! Since when?!' My eyes widened.

'Well yeah they went out on a couple of dates, didn't you know?'

'No? What? When was this?'

'Before her and Brad got together, he was playing us both to be honest. That's why we haven't done anything either'

'So why are you with him then?'

'I don't know, I guess I felt a bit alone at the time and he was a lovely guy. I can't end it though'

'Holly you're going to end up breaking him if you keep stringing him alone, we all know what he gets like when he's emotional. Don't be the reason this band goes down' Connor got up and walked back in the living room.

'What a bitch' I said to myself.

I forgot about the water and went straight back to bed. I walked in to see Brad fast asleep, he looked beyond adorable. I kissed his forehead and climbed back into bed beside him.

'Morning baby' I felt his arms wrap around me.

'Morning' I smiled at him.

'How are you feeling this morning? Have you had any sleep?'

'I got a couple of hours I guess, I kept waking up in the night though'

'Aw baby. Don't worry, we can have a proper lazy day today and just stay in bed, deal?'

'Deal, that sounds perfect' I kissed him as he wrapped his arms tighter around me.



'I love you'

'I love you too'

'Can I ask you something?'

'Of course you can. What's up?'

'You'll never fall out of love with me will you?'

'What kind of a question is that?!'

'No I'm being serious, you'll never stop loving me will you?'

'Of course I won't, how could I ever stop loving you?'

'But even after knowing my past?'

'Yes, even after knowing everything I do about you, I will always love you'


'I promise. Now what's all this about? What's happened?'

'Don't say anything but Holly doesn't love James anymore, she just doesn't want to break up with him though. She only got with him because she felt alone..'

'And you think that's going to happen to us? Don't be silly. I've known you 18 years and I can't imagine not loving you' he smiled.

'That made my tummy go weird' I smiled back.

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