Chapter 9

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*Jas' POV*

So once again we had a lazy day but without the movies and stuffing our faces with junk food. We spent most of the day just lying in bed, talking.


'Hello?.. Hi mum!.. Yeah I'm great, you?.. Oh that's brilliant news!.. Brad? Yeah he's good too.. Ok.. I love you and miss you both!'

'Aw that was amazing to hear her voice again, I miss them so much' I lay there hugging Brad even tighter.

'Don't worry, they'll be home before you know it!'

'Yeah, I'll throw them a welcome home party! Speaking of home, I better get back.. my grandparents wanted to take me out for dinner tonight, I completely forgot!'

'Ohhhhh, do you have to leave?' Brad whacked out the puppy dog eyes, it was always my weakness.

'I wish I could stay but I have to leave you for today. I'll see you tomorrow though?'

'Obviously?!' He pulled me in for a goodbye hug, I really didn't want to let go.

'Bye you, thanks for today, I loved it' I gave him a kiss on the cheek and left.

I was walking down the road on my way home when I bumped into James. 'Oh hello stranger!'

'Jas! Oh hey!' He gave me a quick hug.

'You alright?'

'Yeah not bad, you? I haven't seen you in ages!'

'I know, it's been a while hasn't it'

'So what're you doing out on your own then? It's about to get dark soon'

'Oh I was just on my way back from Brad's, and I'm not a little kid you know' I playfully hit him and we both laughed.

'No no I know you're not! I didn't mean it like that, I just wanted to make sure you didn't get into any trouble out here, you know what our area can get like'

'I'm just messing with you James, I know what you meant. Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat but I'm meeting my grandparents soon and I need to get the whole house cleaned in just under 3 hours!'

'Well that sounds erm fun..!'

'Yeah doesn't it just? Ha, well I'll see you later James'

'We need to catch up soon, drop me a text when you've finished tonight' He gave me a goodbye hug and smiled. Gosh, his smile was just as perfect as Brad's.

Whilst I was walking home I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to see 2 new messages.

'Miss you already ;) have fun tonight xxxx'

'Hey, just thought I'd say you looked lovely today, was nice to get to talk to a sober Jasmine for once ;) x'

I burst out laughing at James' text, gaining some strange looks from the passer buyers. Never laughed to yourself in public before? No? Oh, ok then. I replied to James.

'Thanks for making me laugh to myself in public! But aw thank you :) and hahaha oh shush you, from what I remember you were quite a state yourself ;) x'

I quickly got home and looked at the time. 3:30. Which means I've got 2 and a half hours until my grandparents arrived.


That was the doorbell. I looked at my watch and it was already 5! That can't be them already, they're usually always late. I went to open the door with half my hair done in my dressing gown as I was half done with getting dressed.

'Hiiiii! Oh, woops sorry, bad timing..' I opened the door to see James! That was definitely a surprise.

'Well fancy seeing you here haha, sorry by the way.. I was in the middle of getting ready and I've still got to tidy up down here in less than an hour now'

'That's why I came round, I was coming to ask if you needed help with clearing up' James started looking around the living room and could clearly see I did need help.

'Aw that's so kind! Thank you James. But don't worry, I'm sure I'll find a way to do both by myself'

'Oh don't be silly, honestly it's fine, I wouldn't have come round if I didn't want to help you know'

'Mmm ok ok if you insist! I promise to be down quick and help you!' I ran upstairs and tried to find something to wear. I was too busy with the cleaning that I completely forgot to text Brad back! Oops, I should do that now before I forget.

'I miss you toooo ;) soo, you'll never guess who's offered to help me tidy the house? James! How random! Anyway, I'll text you when I'm back home :) mwah xxxx'

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