Chapter 22- guilt

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'YES OF COURSE I WILL' I quickly stood up to hug Brad as I could feel myself wanting to cry. It's all so overwhelming!

'Aww please don't cry!' Brad said hugging me tighter.

'No no I'm not, they're happy tears! I'm just really lost for words and I can't, I don't know what to say! I'm so happy right now!'

I turned to sit back down and I saw Brad's mum starting to get a bit teary too.

'Oh this is turning out to be such a good birthday, my little boy is so happy and he's finally found the right girl who will continue to make him happy. Welcome to the family Jasmine'

I looked to Brad and tried not to laugh.

'Mum, I've only just asked her to be my girlfriend.. You make it sound like we're married!'

'No you know what I mean! She's practically like a second daughter to me anyway!'

'Oh god mum please just stop talking!'

Our food had come and whilst everyone was tucking away at their food I looked up and smiled. Smiled at how lucky I was to have a boyfriend who was also my best friend and how right everything felt. Yes, things will be hard but me and Brad can power through everything and like he said, I'll be with him every step of the way.

We were coming to the end our meal when I excused myself to go to the toilet. I quickly checked my phone as I always find it rude checking it at the table.

*1 message from James*

'Jasmine, I don't care what you think of me but I want you to know that my past is my past. I'm not just saying it, I promise you. Yeah, you've probably heard this before but only you will know if you believe me. I'm not saying 'yeah let's go out, we'll be the best couple ever' but I want to know you'll at least think about it. I know we both don't want to rush into anything, how about just going out a couple of times and seeing what happens? I know you felt something earlier, I can tell. Because I felt the same way. I like you Jas, a lot. If you don't feel the same way then I promise to leave you alone but at least I know I tried <3'

I stood there in complete shock. What was I meant to say to that?!

'Everything alright? You've been in here a while?' Brad's sister walked in.

'Oh er yeah no sorry I was just touching up my make up when it spilt everywhere! Clumsy me!' I did an awkward laugh.

'I'm always doing that when I'm out! Looks like you'll fit into our family just fine!' We both laughed and walked back out. I turned my phone off for the rest of the night.

We walked out to see a birthday cake in front of Brad's mum and everyone signing happy birthday.

Brad had tweeted a picture of his mum with the cake saying where we were and when we were walking back to the car there was a group of girls waiting outside the restaurant wanting a picture with Brad!

It was surreal.

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