Chapter 15- how could you

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*1 message from Holly*

'Omg I neeeed to talk to you later! Are you free tonight?! Xx'

'Well I'm out at the moment, not sure what time I'll get back.. Everything alright?? Xx'

'Yeah everything's fine, in fact fabbb hehe, but I'll tell you later! Where are you? Xx'

'Oooh someone's clearly got herself a man ;) I'm just at James' little sisters dance show in town with him and his family, I'll call you when I'm walking home? Xx'

'Oh.. Right. Ok no never mind, it's fine'

'Holl? Are you ok?.. X'

No reply.

Great! Now I've seemed to have pissed off yet another friend! What did I even do this time?!

'Hey Jas you ok? You look a bit stressed out?' James came over and put his arm around me.

'Yeah no I don't know. I was just texting Holly and as soon as I said I was here with you and your family she was blunt and never replied.. I don't even know what I did!'

'Oh.. Erm.. Maybe she urm maybe her phone died! Yeah that's it, maybe her phone died'

'Right okay then..' I did an awkward laugh. 'James are you alright? You seem a bit nervous?'

'No I'm fine! Come on, let's go find the others'

We walked around town trying to find James' parents when I got a call from Brad again. I quickly answered it.


I heard a sigh and then he hung up. I held my phone tightly and speed walked home. That was it, I had to talk to Brad and I don't care if he's not listening, we need to sort this out.

*1 message from James*

'Hey where did you disappear to?? I turned around and you were gone.. Are you alright? xxx'

'Hey sorry I had to rush off! Sorry I didn't say anything, tell your sister she was amazing! xx'

As I was rushing round to Brad's I bumped into Holly. Great, another problem I had to sort out.

'Holl! Wait up! So, are you going to tell me what's up or?' She didn't say anything.

'Holl?' Her phone went off and I looked down to see it was a text from James. 'Since when did you talk to James?..'

'Erm, it's been a couple of months now.. Like just after Brad's 18th'

'Oh okay, so what were you going to tell me?'

'Promise not to get mad?'

'Promise! Why would I get mad though?'

'Well erm me and James have been meeting up and stuff and last night, oh my god last night he kissed me! It was amazing Jas, I got butterflies and everything!'

'So that's why you were warning me off him yesterday, saying I should be with Brad so you could have James to yourself!'

'What's the problem?'

'You know I like him?! You know what happened between us when I first started talking to him and now, now you're off doing god knows what and you're not even telling me!'

'Woah why are you making such a big deal out of it?! It doesn't mean anything!'

'If it doesn't mean anything then why didn't you tell me?'

'Because.. Well because I knew you liked him so you wouldn't have wanted me to go meet him.. I didn't want to lose you!'

'Well it's a bit late for that' she grabbed my arm as I turned to walk away but I pulled away and walked off.

How can she stand there and say it meant nothing yet she didn't tell me? She knew how much I liked him and she 'doesn't want to lose me'. Ha. She should've thought of that before lying to me all this time. No wonder James went weird when I mentioned her today, ugh.

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