Chapter 61

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*Jas' POV*

It's nearly been a week since the boys left and to be fair, it's not really been that bad. I mean I've been talking to Brad near on everyday anyway so it's not like I've had to spend loads of time missing him! From what I've gathered, they got drunk the first night then had to be serious after a telling off from Joe, ha!

This week they were shooting their music video for the first single! Already?! How crazy. I haven't been told what happens in it because apparently I'm not allowed to know until nearer the date it gets released.. I probably won't bother the boys much next week as I don't want to keep interrupting them. I have my own stuff to focus on anyway.

It was coming up to the end of January and I was feeling so stressed out. All every teacher talked about was exams. Exams, exams, exams. Like I didn't already know that in 4 months I'll be sitting my first exam that has some input into the next 4 years. I also knew that for the next 5 months, until my last exam, I'd have no life due to amount of revision I have to do.

It was a Wednesday, meaning I didn't have a lesson first thing so I went to go see my dad. I sat down next to his headstone and began chatting away.

'So it's your favourite time of year, exam season! I remember you saying you loved this time because I never went out so you'd always see me. I'm telling you, the next 5 months I won't be leaving my room! Hey anyway, the deadline for picking our universities is this week and it's taken me ages but I've finally made up my mind. Mum wasn't too sure at first but we both know it's the right decision. I know you're still supporting me, no matter what I choose. I love you dad'

I looked at the time and I had been out for nearly an hour which meant I had a lesson in 20 minutes. I picked up my bag and got a taxi to school as I would have been late if I walked. I met the girls at the gate, as usual, and they both looked as bad as I felt.

'You guys missing the boys too?'

'Yeah, it's weird not having them around! I miss James annoying me to wake me up in the mornings'

'Yeah and I miss having the wake Connor up! I'm sure that boy loves sleep more than anything else you know'

'I'm just glad me and Brad have normal sleeping patterns and wake up roughly around the same time!'

'Lucky you. I have James constantly going to the gym which involves him waking up at 6 every morning! I mean how does he do it, I really don't understand'

'Wow Holls, you've got a right catch there' me and Jen laughed.

'Oi shut it you two, at least mine doesn't love his pet more than me!'

'Well at least our boyfriends don't pretend the neighbours cat is theirs!' I burst out laughing.

'Wait, what?'

'What?' Me and Jenn looked at eachother. 'You know that Mickey isn't actually his??'

Holly actually looked like she was about to cry.

'Oh well this conversation took a bit of a turn....'

The bell rang saving us from feeling more awkward and we all went to class. Our first lesson was meant to be Photography but our teacher wasn't in so we had 'independant study' which basically meant go home or stay and get on with some work. I was sat in between Holly and Jenn when Jenn's phone kept going off.

'Aren't you going to answer that?' I simply asked.

'Oh, no, it's not important'

'Whoever it is has been wanting your attention for a good 15 minutes now so I think it could be important' I caught a name out of the corner of my eye. 'It's Connor!' She grabbed her phone and put it away.

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