Chapter 4- aaaah

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It was about 3:30 in the afternoon and me and Brad spent the day watching films again and just lazing around. Everything was like how it's always been, it was how it should be between us. Do I ask him about James? I don't want to ruin things though, right now is perfect. Brad suddenly sat up and turned the TV off which snapped me back from my thoughts.

'So, what are we going to do now Bradley? You still owe me a shopping trip remember' I tried lightening the mood but Brad wasn't his usual silly self. 'Or not then...' I sat up. 'Hey! Shall we g-'

'Jas, can I ask you something?' Brad quickly interrupted me.

'Of course?' I didn't know what was about to come out of his mouth, everything was running through my mind.

'So, erm, I was wondering if maybe erm you'd let me take you out one day?' He looked down to the floor.

'Well yeah, I did say you owe me a shopping trip didn't I!' I playfully hit him and laughed.

'No, I meant like take you out as in a date...'

My face dropped and I froze. Did Brad just ask me out? What. No. This has to be a wind up surely, I mean, no he'd never ask me out just like that... would he?

'Is that a no?' He turned to look away from me.

I didn't know what to do, what to say? I wasn't expecting that at all! Do I say yes? But what if it's awkward? Do I even like Brad like that? What if I do, then what? What if he didn't like me like that and was just doing it as a joke?

*Brad's POV*

I had Jas alone and it was the right time to ask her if she'd go out with me! What if she says no though? Then what? It'll be awkward. No, I have to go for it or I'll regret it.

'Jas, can I ask you something?'

'Of course?'

That's when I did it. I asked her out. It felt like such a relief that it was out there but then I realised I had to wait for an answer from her... oh. The next to minutes felt like the longest 2 minutes of my life.

*Jas' POV*

I AM FREAKING OUT INSIDE. What do I say?! I can't leave him hanging like this! Oh my god. Do I say no because I'm unsure of my feelings for Brad? But what if he gets upset and that ruins our friendship? If I say yes what if it goes wrong? Then that could also ruin our friendship! James. Oh god there was James as well.

'Of course! As long as you're paying ha' I shot him a wink and looked down.

What did I just do. Ahhhhh I panicked! Oh god, well I definitely can't undo it now can I. I was waiting for a reply from Brad but we both just sat there in silence for a couple of minutes.


The sound of Brad's phone scared me! This better not be James ringing him or I'll go mad if Brad walks out on me again.

Yeah everything's good, in fact-'

Brad turned to me, took my hand and looked me in the eye.

'Everything is perfect'

Did Brad really just say perfect? Does he actually like me? Aw but I did get loads of butterflies when he looked at me just now. And he's amazing, he'd definitely treat me right. I don't want anything to ruin our friendship though, shall I just see how this date goes?

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