Chapter 55- I've lost you once

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The next morning I had woken up to my phone constantly going off, it wouldn't stop! Before I could even look at it, Tristan had come running into my room yelling, 'HAVE YOU SEEN TWITTER'

This would explain why my phone was going off. I had 320 interactions and I kept seeing Brad's name everywhere. I finally went onto his profile.

@BradleyWillSimpson: I've been a complete and utter idiot to the person I love the most, @ohitsjas I love you to the moon and back

I dropped my phone in total shock. Was this actually Brad? No it can't be, Joe would murder him for posting that. I looked at my mentions and the majority of tweets were 'please get back together, you were adorable together' and of course you got the fans who said he must have been hacked as 'they've all stated in interviews that they're single so it can't be true'


'What do I say? What? How? This can't be him, can it?'

'I think it is.. We should definitely start planning his funeral as Joe won't be pleased seeing this'

'Tris' I whispered. 'Why is my tummy doing backflips?'

'I think we both know the answer to that'

I sat back and read through my mentions when I came across a DM from a girl saying how she saw how happy me and Brad made each other and it upset her when we broke up. My stomach dropped when I read her message, it's crazy to think our relationship affects people we don't even know. To be honest, I was surprised at how many people tweeted saying they want us back together, I guess not all 'fangirls' are bad.

*1 message to Brad*

'Meet me at the folly at 2 x'

The folly was an old place which now just consisted of old stones. It wasn't anything special, I just wanted a quiet place to talk to Brad without getting interrupted.

It was 1 and Tristan and I had just finished lunch. I kept acting out how today would possibly go in my head and all the scenarios ended badly. I decided to wait until it actually happened. Each time I looked at the clock it felt like time was going slower and slower, I started to feel sick. I still don't even know why I asked to meet him! It finally got to 2 and I walked to the folly.

'Hey you' I said shyly as I walked over to Brad.

'Jas!' He had a huge grin on his face as he went to hug me. 'Oh er sorry..'

'No, it's fine' I smiled.

'So, why did you want to meet me?'

'Listen' I walked over to sit down on the stone wall before starting. 'I don't quite know why. If I'm honest, I couldn't stop smiling after I saw your tweet this morning'

'I'll be honest with you, I was so happy when I got your text. Obviously I know nothing is going to happen, I was just so pleased I got to see you'

'But that's my point, I want something to happen..' I said whilst looking down.


'As much as I hate you, and that's a lot, I love you just as much. Yes, what you did was horrid and I never want to remember it again but I really can't be without you, I can't bring myself to let you go' I could feel myself wanting to cry.

'So wh-what are you saying?'

'Bradley Simpson, I love you. My dad was right, you're the best thing in my life and I shouldn't let you go'

'Y-you mean we're back together?'

'Well, I'm a bit of a mug like that' I said, tears forming in my eyes. 'But I'll need some time before things go back to the way they were before'

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