Chapter 90- this was it

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I decided to move all my stuff to London 3 weeks in advance which would give me plenty of time to settle in and I just needed to escape everything here. I thought it was best not to tell Brad I was leaving because seeing his face would make me want to stay. I had all my stuff packed and mum started loading my suitcases into the car.

'Right, is that everything?'

'I've just got one bag left, I'll meet you in the car'

As I picked up my bag I took one last look around the house, this place held all my memories, mostly good ones, it's strange leaving it all behind. I clutched onto my necklace, something I always did when I was nervous or scared, not realising it was the one Brad gave me. I took it off, kissed it and held it tightly in my hand.

As I was turning to leave the house, I saw a shadow on the ground in the doorway. I looked up to see Brad standing there looking like he'd just seen a ghost.

'Don't' I whispered, trying to get past him.

'You're not seriously leaving, are you? Without even telling me either?!'

'Brad, please, I don't have time for this'

'You don't have time? Time for us? Has the last year of your life meant nothing to you?'

'You know it did'

'Not enough to make you stay with me even if we will be over 2 hours apart. Not enough to even tell me you were leaving. Not enough to even try and see if we can remain friends through the rest'

'That's not fair'

'Oh that's not fair? Sorry, since when was fairness taken into consideration here because clearly me being left here with my heart being ripped out and the one person I put my everything into decides to leave without telling me is fair? How could you Jas?'

'Please don't make this any harder' I could feel myself wanting to cry.

'Do you not love me anymore? Is that it? Have you got bored of me? Please tell me because somewhere in all this I've got lost'

I stayed silent.

'Jas, answer me!'

'Of course I still love you! How could I ever fall out of love with you, I'm doing all of this because I love you!'


'Brad, me staying here is killing me knowing I can't have you everyday or when I want and need you. I can't handle having to share you with a million teenage girls, I can't handle the threats and the nasty comments anymore. I'm a jealous person, you know that, and knowing you're all friends with Lucy is something I can't deal with. It's not you, it can never be you. I thought I could deal with everything that came with this fame but I was so wrong. I've had the best year being your girlfriend and an even better 18 years of being your best friend. I will always be there for you but right now, I need time to focus on my future like you're doing with yours. I'll always love you Bradley Simpson'

'But Jas I-'

'Please let's just end on a good note, I don't want things to get harder'

I hugged him tightly, desparately wanting to hold on and never let go. He whispered, 'I love you' to me and I gave him one last kiss. He wiped away the falling tears with his thumb and told me to look after myself. I held his hand for the last time and placed the necklace he gave me in it as I walked to the car. I took one last look at him, my heart feeling as if it has been ripped out and stood on, before getting into the car and eventually drove away.

This was it. My life in London began now.

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