Chapter 16- kiss and make up

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I felt like I'd lost everyone close to me, maybe because I had. My mum wasn't even around to make me feel better which made it all worse.

*knock at the door*

'Oh.. hi.'

Brad stormed in. 'I'm so so so sorry for everything that's happened over the last few days and I've been a complete idiot for acting the way I did and it was wrong and I just want my bestfriend back because I miss you so much and..'

I cut Brad off by giving him the biggest hug and not letting go for at least 10 minutes. 'You don't understand how much I've missed you' I could feel my eyes watering.

'I really am sorry Jas, you must think I'm the worst friend ever. I was really immature about everything'

'So are you going to tell me what I did wrong or?'

Brad sighed and we sat down. 'It wasn't you, it was just me being stupid. I.. Well I got jealous that James was round and that you've become closer, I don't know why but'

'He only helped clean the house?'

'I know, I know but it just really got to me and I guess, I don't know.. I guess I realised how much I do actually care about you and I lo..'


'It's mum! Sorry Brad, hold that thought for a minute!'

*Brad's POV*

I decided to grow up and face up to Jas. I planned to go round to apologise and tell her how I actually feel about her but just as I was about to say the 'L' word, her mum rang so we got interrupted.

'Sorry about that Brad, what were you saying again?'

'Oh no never mind, I just wanted you to know how sorry I was abut everything' I sighed, I couldn't bring myself to say it again.

'Please promise we'll never fight again? I hated it so much'

'I promise!'

'And Brad?'


'Don't ever think I'd be having a thing with James and not tell you ok. I tell you everything!'

'I know, I know. I'm sorry for assuming.. I should've known better than to think you'd like James' I laughed.

*Jas' POV*

I sat there trying to laugh and agree but that's the only thing I've never told Brad, about how I used to like James. I couldn't though, they're bestfriends! That doesn't make me a bad person, does it?'


Just to let you know I'll probably be updating less now that school's about to start again, ew.. but yeah, this was just a quick update before I went back and yeaaah, feel free to let me know what you think so far :)

Twitter: @ohhthevamps

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