Chapter 17

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I was so happy me and Brad had finally made up but I still felt guilty about the whole James thing. Was I too harsh on Holly? Or was I right about how I acted?


'Hellooo' I heard a familiar Birmingham accent down the phone.


'How are you today?'

'Yeah a lot better thanks, you?'

'I'm good too thanks, so have you got any plans for tonight?'

'Erm nope, why?'

'Well it's mums birthday so we're going out tonight and we were wondering if you wanted to come along?'

'Awww I'd love to!'

'Really?! Great! So I'll erm pick you up at 8?'

'Sounds perfect, see you at 8'

I hung up and had a huge grin on my face. Normally I would've felt nervous because I hate going out with someone else's family but it was the Simpson family, basically my second home, so I could just have a care free night.

I went on twitter to see James tweeted pictures of his sister from the night before. I favourited one and a minute later I got a text.

'Hey Jas, haven't talked to you since you ran off the other night. Was everything ok? Hope so. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that Soph has another show today and she really wants you to there aha, so if you can make it then that'd be great :) xxx'

'Hey James, yeah sorry about running off.. Everything's ok though. Aww she's so cute, I'd love to go! What time is it? Xxx'

I figured there was no reason I shouldn't go to the show just because of James, I was doing it for his sister. Besides, it's not like James knows I like him so I guess I don't really have a reason to be mad at him.

'That's alright! :) and it's 2-5, she's on near the beginning so we'll probably be done at like 4? Xxx'

'Sounds good! I need to be back home by about 5ish anyways so that's perfect, I'll see you in a bit :) xxx'

I could totally go to James' sisters thing and make it back for dinner with Brad. If I get my clothes ready now then that'd save time! Ok so it's 12 now, I'll go sort out my outfit for tonight and then go get ready to meet James. Brad wouldn't get annoyed for meeting up with James though, would he?

I decided to make an effort for tonight and went with a dress. As I was going through my wardrobe I found the dress Brad's mum bought me for my 16th birthday. It was a dark blue dress that was a bit shorter at the front than at the back and flowed down like a gown. It came with the cutest pair of black heels and a matching clutch bag. It still fits! I had no choice but to wear it tonight, it would be perfect.

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