Chapter 56

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I woke up feeling like I had hit my head on concrete and I looked like I had been dragged through a hedge backwards. What the hell happened last night? I was sure I didn't even drink must last night, hm. My alarm blaring at 6am didn't help either. Today was the first day back to school after half term and I was feeling great about the fact everything was going right. The sun was out, I had my boyfriend back and things were just moving forward. Brad walked me to school today before giving me a quick kiss as he left to go to meet the boys at the studio.

*Brad's POV*

'Yo, how's it going Brad?' Connor asked from across the room.

'Hey, not bad man. How are you?'

'Yeah, alright. Still feeling it from last night I think!'

'Oh definitely same here man, it was a good night though!'

'Yeah, I could definitely tell from you throwing up this morning..!' Tristan joined in the conversation.

'Oops, sorry!' I laughed.

While the three of us were all banging on about last night, James kind of kept himself in the corner and didn't really get involved. I went over to him.

'Hey man, what's up?'

'Oh, nothing'

'James, this is me you're talking to. I can tell there's something wrong. Now what is it?'

'Honestly, it's nothing Brad. Don't worry'

We got interrupted by Joe coming in telling us he had details for our trip to America. We were spending three weeks out there which would include meeting with our record label over there, recording songs and meeting the few fans we had out there, if we even had any! Then it hit me, 3 weeks? I've only just got back with Jas and I'm about to leave for 3 weeks.

'Right so we leave on Thursday morning, I'll meet you guys at Brad's at 4'

'In the morning?!' Connors eyes widened.

'Yes sleepy head, you better get used to these early mornings!'

Connor sunk back in his chair. Out of us he probably adored his sleep the most, even if he did stay up until all sorts of times!

'So we should definitely do something on Wednesday night, like all of us'


'Because we're not going to see anyone for 3 weeks?'

'Gee, thanks for reminding me' I looked down.

'Alright, alright, let's change the subject before mr romantic over here starts crying'

'Oi shut up' I snapped.

*1 message to Jas*

'Fancy doing something tonight? I want to see you xxxx'

She took a while to reply but she said yes. I can't believe I'm going away for three weeks and won't see her. I wanted to do something with her on Wednesday night but I can't ditch the boys now especially since they're all staying at mine that night. The rest of the day went by slowly, I kept checking the time to see if Jas had finished school yet.

'Can we finish yet Joe? I'm starving' Tristan whined.

'Yeah go on then. Don't be late tomorrow!'

Me and Tris walked back to his whilst James and Connor went to get food. We walked in and I saw Jas looking slightly worried.

'Hey baby, are you alright?' I walked over to give her a hug and kiss.

'Yep' she said, popping the p.

'Okay then. So listen, I was thinking of cooking you a nice meal tonight and we can have a quiet night in, just the two of us?'

'Yeah, sure'

Tris looked over at me and decided to leave the room. The atmosphere was a bit awkward and I didn't even know why. We sat in silence for a bit before Jas said she was going to get changed before leaving for mine. I sat there quietly, not knowing what to do or say.

*1 message from Tris*

'Dude, I don't know what you've done but even I could tell something is up. Sort it out before we go away!!'

As I was about to reply I got interrupted by Jas coming downstairs saying we should make a move.

'Hey, there's no rush you know. I only live across the road' I tried to laugh.

'Yeah I know. I just don't want it to be a late night, I do have school tomorrow you know'

Before I could say anything she walked off in front of me, leaving me to close the door behind us. I ran up to her.

'Jas, wait!' She turned around. 'What have I done?'

'Nothing' she said so plainly.

'No, I know there's something up. Now tell me what it is, I don't want it spoiling our evening'

'Honestly, it's fine. I'm just being weird, ignore me'

'Hm, are you sure?'

'Yes. Now come on, I'm starving!'

I knew she wasn't telling me the truth but I knew if it was serious then she'd tell me so I'll let her tell me in her own time. We got to mine and everyone was out for the evening so we had the place to ourselves. Jas chilled out on sofa whilst I cooked spaghetti bolognese, nothing too fancy oops.. There wasn't much talking during dinner and after we decided to stick on a film.

'Right I'll go get the snacks and drinks before the film starts!' I jumped up.

'No it's alright! I just want to cuddle with you'

'But, we always pig out during a film?'

'I know but I'm not really feeling it tonight'

'Woah, hold on' I sat up. 'Now I definitely know there's something up. You would never pass up an opportunity to pig out with me during a film. I know my cuddles are pretty amazing but you'd never pick food over them!'

'Oh cheers, thanks for making me sound really fat!' She laughed.

'You know I don't mean it ike that silly! Now seriously, what's up?'

'Brad, I told you it's nothing. Just leave it'

'Alright, alright, fine. So anyway, how was going back to school?'

'It was ok. Hey, I thought we were watching a film?'

'Oh so I'm not allowed to ask my girlfriend how her day was?'

'Nope! Especially not when there's a shirtless Zac Efron on my screen!' She giggled and cuddled up to me.

I gave up with prying, I clearly wasn't going to get anywhere. We carried on watching the rest of the film, cuddled up on the sofa. I noticed Jas had fallen asleep so I text Tristan telling him not to worry about her and that she could stay the night round here. I tried my best not to wake her when getting up. I slowly picked her up in a fireman's lift and gently carried her upstairs into the spare room. I tucked her into bed, kissed her forehead and whispered, 'goodnight princess, I love you'


WOOOOOW I'm sorry for the long gap between updates! I've just been super busy with getting work done, I didn't have time, sorry! But good news, I'll be breaking up for summer in 3 weeks so I'll start updating regularly again :)

Sorry this is such a boring chapter, I think i've lost the swing of writing a bit ://

Oh and thanks for not getting impatient because I didn't update for a while! X

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