Chapter 88- move on?

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I haven't had any contact with Brad for 3 days now and the strange thing is.. I didn't miss him like I normally do. Today was his sister's birthday and I wasn't sure what to do. I was meant to be going out for dinner with his family but I really don't see that happening. I decided to go around and drop a card, that's the least I could do. I saw that Brad's car wasn't in the drive meaning he wouldn't be at home so I grabbed my coat and quickly went round. I wasn't sure if anyone was at home so I put the card through the letterbox and made my way back. As I was turning around I heard the door open. My stomach dropped as I prayed it wasn't Brad.


It was his sister, thankfully. 'Hey! I wasn't sure if you guys were in or not so I dropped your card around. Happy Birthday!' I gave her a hug.

'Aw you didn't have to do that, thank you! I'll be seeing you later on though right?'

'Er, no.. I'm sorry, I don't really think that's a good idea'

'What? Why? What's happened?'

'Oh, no, nothing.. don't worry!' I realised she didn't know and I didn't think it was my place to tell her.

'So why can't you come tonight? Your mum's coming isn't she?'

'Is she? I didn't know..'

'Yeah! My mum invited all 3 of you to come along!'

Great. Now I really couldn't get out of it.

'Ohh well in that case I'll see you guys tonight' I faked a smile.

'Good! Thanks again for the card'

'It's alright, I'll see you later' I hugged her again and left.

As I was walking back I saw Brad's car coming down the road. Shit. As if tonight wasn't going to be bad enough. I put my hood up and hurried across the road. I heard him yell my name from behind, telling me to wait so he could talk to me but I acted like I couldn't hear him and went inside.

'Where have you been?'

I jumped. 'Oh Tris you scared me! I just popped round to see Nat and give her a card'

'So you're not going tonight then?'

'I really don't think I can sit there pretending to be happy with Brad after everything. Are you and mum going?'

'I think so.. But I don't fancy going, I'd rather stay home and make sure you're alright'

'I'll be fine, you go!'

'Go where?' Mum was coming down the stairs and heard.


'We're all going, why don't you want to come?'

'I-I don't feel well mum, I want to spend the day in bed' I lied.

'You seem fine to me? And Tristan, what's your excuse?'

'Oh well I-' he stopped, realising he didn't have an excuse.

'Hmm thought so. Now come on then, what's really up? What's happened now?'

'Nothing' we both replied in sync.

'You can't lie to me guys, I'm your mother'

'Well, step mum..'

'Oi, don't be smart mister. So who's going to tell me what's up then?'

'Mum it's nothing, I just feel rubbish and don't fancy going tonight'

'Alright, fine but Tristan you're coming! It'll look bad if both of you don't turn up plus Brad will probably feel lonely'

Even hearing his name made me shudder. I went upstairs and climbed into bed. There was no way I was going tonight. I felt bad that Tris got roped into going but I guess mum was right, it would look bad. I switched my laptop on and did the usual.. Facebook and Twitter. I recently took my Twitter off private and I had loads of new followers in the last few days. I went onto my interactions and it was people tagging me in replies to Brad's tweets. I didn't want to look at what he tweeted but my mentions were going mad so I had to.

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