Chapter 6- turning point

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It was 3am and I got woken up by Brad ringing me.

'Hello?' I managed to squeeze out half asleep still.

'HIIII! Are you awake?!'

'No I'm asleep? Of course I'm awake you idiot. Why are you ringing me, do you realise what the time is?'


'WHAT OH MY GOD AT 3 IN THE MORNING?!' I was still focused on the time more than anything.

'No everything happened earlier but I only just got home and I wanted you to be the first one to know! You don't understand how happy I am Jas, everything's about to change and I can't wait!'

'I'm seriously so happy for you Bradders, I cant believe it! Cogratulations!! I'm coming round to cook you a celebratory breakfast and then I'm taking you out ok!'

'What? Now?'

'No are you dumb? Tomorrow!'

'Ohhhh! Ok sounds good! Love you Jas, see you in the morning!'

I couldn't get to sleep after I put the phone down. The words 'everything's about to change' kept going round and round in my head. Don't get me wrong, of course I'm happy for Brad! It's what he's wanted his whole life. But what if he's right about things changing? When he gets big, he'll be off on tours or doing interviews and gigs up and down the country and what happens to me? I'll be at home supporting my bestfriend but yet I'll never get to see him.. I curled up in my duvet and silently sobbed.

*Brad's POV*

Oh my goodness! My dream has finally come true!! I can't believe I'm actually signed, it doesn't feel real! I knew the first person I had to ring was Jas, she's been through everything with me. From singing in school plays to getting knocked back loads of times. My girl's been through it all with me, I'm lucky to have her. Wait.. Did I just say 'my girl'? Oh. It sounds right though, she is my girl? My best girl (after mum, Nat and Jess though obviously) and I can't wait to share more exciting times with her! I cant wait to look out in the crowd or to the side of me, waiting in the wings and see her there cheering me on. Everything can only get better!

*Jas' POV*

I woke up the next morning feeling so dead. I think I got about 3 hours sleep last night, looks like overthinking got the better of me again. I still had those words in my head but I tried to ignore them as today was being focused on my bestfriend. I was out of the house by 10 and walked to Brad's where I was greeted by a very excitable Mrs Simpson.

'Oh good morning Jasmine! How are you today?'

'Well I'm even better after hearing about Brad! That's incredible!'

'I know, isn't it just! My boy's finally getting the recognition he deserves, no more listening to him singing up his room until god knows what time in the mornings! Everything's about to change and we can't wait!'

There it was again. Those words. The more people say it, the more real everything feels. He hasn't even done anything yet and I already feel like I'm losing him.

'Hey Jas why don't you go upstairs and try wake him up! He'll have to say bye to all these lie ins soon' she chuckled as she pointed upstairs.

I slowly opened his door and crept inside. I ran over to whack his curtains opened and shouted 'WAKE UP SUNSHINE' before jumping on him.

'Ugh what are you.' A sleepy Brad replied.

'Oh charming one you are!'

'I'm joking I'm joking, come here you!' He opened his eyes and patted the free side of his bed lifting the covers.

I went and joined him. Cuddled up to Brad on a Saturday morning felt perfect. Wait, did I just say perfect? Oh. I had no clue what that meant but I sure didn't want to move for a while.

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