Chapter 77- nugget

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'GOOD LUCK!' Tristan burst into my room.

'Ugh, what time is it?' I groaned, not realising the time.



You know you don't need an alarm when you live in the same house as Tristan, that boy could wake up the other side of the world if he tried. So today was my first exam, the first of many.. and as usual my mum baked a cake that had 'good luck' written in blue icing on it and that was my breakfast for the day. Probably not the best idea to have a sugar rush before an exam but it's happened every year, why break tradition right?

'Are you excited?'

'Tris, why would anyone be excited for an exam?'

'Are you nervous then?'

'Kind of'

'But are you prepared?'

'Oh what is this, 21 questions?!'

'So you're feeling a bit stressed then?'

I shot evils at him and he knew to stop winding me up.

'Come here nugget, you'll do brilliantly!'


'Eh, I don't know, it was the first thing I thought of'

'That says a lot' I laughed.

I had good luck tweets off all the boys which blew up my mentions as they obviously all tagged me in their tweets. I felt a bit overwhelmed if I'm honest!

*1 message from Brad*

'Good luck my baby girl! You'll smash it, I know you will! How are you feeling? Xxxxx'

*1 message to Brad*

'Thank you bubba, I hope so! I'm feeling so nervous, I could actually be sick :( xxxxx'

*1 message from Brad*

'Aw baby don't be nervous! You'll be fine, I promise. Text me when you're done and I'll be straight round, I don't want you overthinking your exam because I know what you're like when you're by yourself!! I love you, good luck xxxxx'

The great thing about exam time was that I was on study leave, meaning I only had to come into school for my exams. I walked into the school gates, my hands feeling really sweaty and my heart beating as fast as it could. To be honest, English was a subject I quite enjoyed so this exam wasn't as bad as the others but it's my first one so I couldn't help but feel scared.


2 hours 15 minutes later and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. My first exam was over! I collected my phone and purse from the tray at the front of the hall, grabbed my bag and headed home. I was feeling quite pleased with that exam so I was in a good mood. Brad said he was currently at the studio with the others and would be home in half an hour. I decided to dump my stuff at home and surprise him at the studio.

As I was walking to the studio, I saw a group of girls waiting outside. I'm guessing they were waiting to meet the boys. One smiled so I smiled back and she came over to talk to me. As we were talking I heard 'oh my god there's Brad's girlfriend!' I turned round, but they weren't talking about me.. The boys had walked out with another brunette, more specifically.. Lucy. I took a step back, I didn't want to be seen by any of the boys. I felt stupid. As I turned away to go home, one girl tapped my shoulder and asked where I was going.

'Don't go' she said so sweetly.

I smiled. 'It's fine, they're busy with you guys anyway so I'll just see them later'

'We know she's not you by the way'


'That girl with them. We know she's not Brad's girlfriend. We saw her earlier and she said to some people she was but anyone that's been in the fanbase for ages knows she's not you, you don't even look alike! She doesn't suit Brad like you do'

'You're so sweet'

'Why don't you go over there?'

'Oh, no, I'll just be in the way. I want them to meet the fans so I won't interrupt'

'Okay, well promise me you won't let her get to you?'

'I promise' I smiled at her. 'And thanks'

'For what?'

'For everything you said, you're so lovely'

'It's fine. Not all of us are horrible people' she laughed. 'I just want Brad to be happy and I know he is with you so what's saying negative comments going to do?'

'You're right, if only everyone was like that! It was nice meeting you, you best get over there before they leave'

'I will, it was good meeting you too! Take care'

I walked home still in a good mood. I think I'm now past getting annoyed at Lucy, she'll always be there no matter what I want so there's nothing I can do. If she wishes to go around telling people she's dating Brad then good luck to her, people know what to believe and what not to believe.

'Jas?!' I heard Brad call out from behind. I turned around and smiled. 'Come here!'

He ran up and hugged me. He took my hand and walked back over to where everyone was.

'I thought you were Brad's girlfriend?' We heard someone ask Lucy. The three of us just stared at eachother.

'She's mine!' We all turned to Tristan, shocked. Even Lucy looked confused. 'She's here because she's my girlfriend'

'Yeaaaah...' Brad said awkwardly.

'But she's been going around saying she's going out with Brad' a fan said.

We all shot our eyes at Lucy.

Tristan interupted. 'We didn't want it to come out that I had a girlfriend so we agreed to say she was dating Brad for the time being, they look a like! Kind of..'

I never felt so irritated with Tristan but I couldn't show it, I just put on a smile for the fans.

'Sooo..' Joe came out. 'Boys we need to go and record a cover'

We all let out a sigh of relief when Joe saved us from this awkwardness. The boys took a few more pictures with fans before we all went inside. We all remained silent, not knowing what to say. You could see how awkward James and Connor were feeling.

'What the hell was that?! And yes I'm talking to you Tristan' Joe said sternly.


'It's not his fault' Lucy interrupted.

'Sorry sweetheart but I'd like to have a chat with just the boys if you don't mind' Joe gave me a look to say 'no you can stay' while Lucy left.

'I don't mean to sound rude but I don't even know who she is Tristan, why are you going around saying she's your girlfriend? We had one rule guys' his eyes turned to Brad. 'I haven't finished with you yet either Simpson'

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