Chapter 45- meeting the band

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Tristan came to stay with us back in Birmingham while my dad, his mum and brothers stayed in London. Mum was away on a business trip so I asked if Tristan could stay round. I didn't want to completely overwhelm myself with all these new people so I started off with just getting to know Tristan first. We woke up the next morning and it was weird to think that this guy sleeping on my couch was my brother...

'Morning sleepy head, fancy pancakes for breakfast?'

'You're going to cook? For me? In my own house?'

'Well why not? I've got to take care of my little sister, right?' Tristan winked.

'Ew ew ew stop saying that, it sounds too weird!'

'Oh god, I know. I'm sorry!'

Tristan flicked flour at me when I wasn't looking, I guess you already know how this ended.. It reminded me of that fight I had with Brad, you know, before I was sure on my feelings for him. Oh, Brad! I never finished texting him about yesterday! This might be a bit odd to explain.

Before I could even go to get my phone, Brad knocked on the door and came in.. I should really remember to lock the door at night. I guess to anyone who knew the situation would find it totally normal that this strange guy no one knew had me over his shoulder running around the house but to Brad it was probably his worst nightmare.

'What the hell is going on here?!'

I lifted my head and saw Brad standing in the doorway. Uh oh.

'Tristan?! What the hell is he doing here?!' His eyes widened. 'Is this why you never text back yesterday? You went to London to pick up this fool so HE could keep you company while your parents were out?' He spat.

Tristan put me down. 'Woah, mate no. That isn't even close to what happened!'

'Oh save it, if anyone else saw what I saw they'd automatically assume the same thing'

I ran over to Brad. 'Shut up, sit down and listen. Now.' I pointed to the sofa.

I ended up telling Brad the whole story from yesterday morning to now. Once again I saw the 'oh great I've fucked this one up yet again' look on his face. He was speechless at the end because he didn't know what to say. To be honest, if I found out someone we met on holiday was related to Brad then I'd be a bit confused too.

'Ah shit, I'm sorry man. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that' he stood up to shake Tristan's hand. 'No hard feelings?'

'Nah, don't sweat it dude'

'Ohhhhhhhh Kay then, this is getting weird again' I broke the silence. 'So anyway, Tris will probably be staying here until mum get back which means you'll be seeing a lot more of each other!' I grinned.

'That's cool with me' Brad smiled.

'Wait, did you just call me Tris?' He laughed.

'Yeah, Tristan's too long so deal with it'

'Fine by me!'

'Hey Brad!'


'Are you going to the studio today?'

'Yep, why?'

'Fancy taking Tris down with you?'

'Yeah it'd be great to have you!' He turned to Tristan. 'The guys all loved the song we wrote in New York! They're dying to meet you'

'Sure, why not' Tristan smiled. 'Wait, Jas, what're you going to do by yourself?'

'Oh, me? Yeah, no, I have tons of stuff to do! Don't worry about me, go enjoy yourselves and make music!' I laughed.

Brad looked at me as if he knew what I was up to but he was glad about it. Hey, if I don't give him a push, who else will?


*Brad's POV*

I can't believe I thought Jas and Tristan had something going on, yet again! I need to stop. Tris is a good guy, I trust him. It's really weird to think that he's actually Jas' brother though.. That'll take some time to get used to! Anyway, I'm just glad the boys can finally meet him, I know they'll love him. Who knows, maybe we can write another song together!

'Hey guys, I've brought someone to meet you!' The boys all looked round. 'This is Tristan, the guy I was telling you about from New York!'

'Woah, nice to meet you man! How come you're over here then?' Connor got up to shake his hand.

Tristan looked to me and laughed. 'Well, er, long story let's just say'

'Yeah, so anyway I'm hoping we can write another hit!'

'Another hit? We haven't even had a first hit!'

'Oh yeah.. I guess I'm just getting a bit carried away'

I sat back as I watched the boys bombard Tris with loads of questions, they loved him!


Hiya, sorry for the short chapter! I kept getting asked to update soon so I did this kinda quickly... eee sorry if it sucks :(

Happy Easter :))


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