Chapter 39- meeting Tristan

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So our first day consisted of taking in New York, unpacking, oh and meeting Tristan. The day went quite quick and I wasn't even tired when it came to the evening. Probably because of the time difference but still. Tristan recommended this diner down town so I suggested we try it but Brad being Brad would much rather stay in the hotel for the evening so we'll go another day.

I woke up quite early the next day and quietly crept out of bed to see what time breakfast was. I decided to plan the day before Brad woke up so he wouldn't waste another day by lazing around.

*1 message from Tristan*

'Morning love, hope you slept well :-) if you're interested I have tickets to see a show on broadway tonight? Let me know! Oh and how was the diner last night? X'

*1 message to Tristan*

'Morning! Ooh sounds good! What're we watching? We didn't end up going because Brad decided to be lazy so we stayed in.. Yawn. But we could go before the show? X'

I put my phone down on the side and walked back into our room.

'Oh morning sleepy head' I climbed in next to Brad and gave him a kiss.

'Mm morning you, so do we get to spend the day in bed then?'

'No! Oh by the way we're going to the theatre tonight with Tristan, and we're trying out that diner place he recommended'

'Oh, okay then..'



'No, there's something. Now tell me'

'Well it's just, I thought this week was meant to be about me and you..'

'It is?'

'You're off with some guy you've literally just met, going to dinner and shows with him?'

'Sorry but are you or are you not included in all these plans? Tristan's just being helpful and saving us time by telling us where to go and what to do! It's not like he's coming back to England with us'

'Ok, true.. You're right, I'm sorry'

'It's ok. But Brad?'


'Please trust me more? You get really touchy whenever I become close to a guy and it kind of irritates me because I feel like you don't trust me..'

'Well do you blame me?' He spat out but immediately realised what he said and covered his mouth. 'I-I didn't mean that oh my god I'm so sorry Jas I'

'Wow' I pulled away from him and walked out of the room.

'Jas!' Brad came after me.

'No, how could you even bring that up?! I thought we were past that and we were starting fresh! Huh? What happened to all that?'

'No I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to come out! I just got annoyed with Tristan and thought of James'

'Oh so you thought I'd go sleep with some guy I've just met? Great, thanks. It's nice to see you have so much faith in me'


'No. I knew you wouldn't be able to let this go. I thought we'd be able to forget about it like you said but no, you'll always be paranoid that I'm going to cheat on you'

Before he could say anything I rushed into the bathroom to get ready. I didn't want to spend the day in here with him. How could he say he doesn't trust me? I knew this perfect week was too good to be true.

I got ready and left the hotel without speaking to Brad. I don't care if we were in New York, he can't expect me to be the one who says sorry. I decided to wonder around Times Square and found a Starbucks. I went in and ordered a chocolate cream frappucino and found a table near the back. I sent a few texts back home letting them know I was alright and landed safely so they weren't worrying.

'Hey, mind if I join you?' I look up to see Tristan standing over me with a coffee.

'Of course not!' I say, pulling up a chair.

'So, how's life out here then? Better than England right?'

'I wouldn't know, it's my first time properly staying out here'

'You mean you don't live here?!'

'No, I'm from England! I'm just here for a few weeks to get away from home drama'

'Wow, you sound like me'

'Oh really? Why're you here then?'

'Brad surprised me to a week away, it was perfect timing really because I have home drama too'

'Can't be as bad as mine, my mum's going through a custody battle kind of, my dad doesn't want to come back though. I'm the oldest and I should be helping out but right now, I can't be dealing with it all. I think it's about time I started focusing on myself'

I looked down at my hands, not knowing what to say.

'Oh god I'm sorry, we've basically just met and I'm telling you my life story!' Tristan apologised.

'Don't be silly, it's alright!'

We got interrupted by Brad ringing me multiple times followed by a ton of 'I'm sorry, I love you' texts. It's not like I didn't want to go back to make up with him, I just couldn't be bothered right now. Does that sound bad? I don't know, sigh. I mean, what's a relationship without trust? I trusted Brad 110% but I can't do this if he'll always have that tiny piece of doubt in the back of his mind.

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