Chapter 84- you're a bigger idiot than I thought you were

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It was half an hour until we were meant to leave to meet the others in town for food but as usual we were delayed because of Tristan's hair..

'Will you hurry up?!' I yelled.

'I'm coming, I'm coming!'

'I text Brad saying we'd be outside in 10 minutes to walk with him'

'Alright I'm ready'


'Oh and Jas?'

'Yes you hair looks fine, now come on'

'No that's not what I was going to say.. What I said earlier, about Lucy.. I didn't mean it to come out like that!'

'Hey it's fine, honestly. I know what you meant'

'You sure? Obviously I'm not about to let her steal your man, I'm not that horrible!'

I laughed. 'It's fine Tris, I know! And like I said, as long as I'm around she'll know her place, don''t worry'

'Ok good. Right, let's go, I'm starving'

'You're always starving!'

'Hey, I'm a growing boy ok'

'Yeah, yeah, whatever'

We went outside and Brad was waiting for us at the end of the driveway.

'Took your time didn't you?' He joked.

'Blame this guy and his hair'

'Alright, alright, enough about the hair! Can we get a move on, I'm hungry'

'Like always' Brad laughed.

Tristan shot evils at him. 'Now I see why you two are together'

'Speaking of together, where's Lucy? Are we meeting her there?'

'Lucy's coming?' Brad asked.

'Yeah, didn't you know?'

'Nope. Are you alright with that?'

'Yeah this whole thing is water under the bridge with us, we've agreed to be civil with each other'

'Wow, never saw that one coming'

'Me either! But I don't need to feel threatened by her, she knows she can't have you so I have nothing to worry about' I laughed.

'That's true' he reached out to hold my hand.

'Ew can you not with the PDA's please'

Me and Brad looked at each other. 'PDA's?' We both asked.

'Yeah.. public displays of affection? Do you guys not watch American tv?'

'No we actually have lives'

'Erm me and Brad have the same life thank you very much'

After the weirdest conversations with the boys we finally arrived in town and met the others.

'Right, we're all here, let's go!'

'There's only 7 of us'

'Yeah, so?' Tristan asked.

'Are you not forgetting your date?' Brad asked.

'Oh, shit'

Just as Tristan realised he forgot about Lucy, she arrived.

'Hey guys!'

'Hey' we all said.

I turned to look at Tristan who tried not to make eye contact with any of us. I think he felt embarrassed. I gave Brad my bag and went to the toilet with Jen whilst the others went to sit down.

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