Chapter 24- perfect

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We both jumped at the sound of Brad's mum calling him.

'Ouch my neck is killing me! Did I fall asleep here?' I asked with one eye struggling to open.

'Seems like it, unless we both planned on sleeping in our clothes from last night..'

'Shhh it's too early for your sarcasm. What even is the time?'

'6:30?! Why is my mum shouting my name so early!'

Brad pulled himself up off me and dragged himself upstairs to see what his mum wanted. I lay back desperately wanting to fall back asleep. I spoke too soon..

'Heyyy Jess, morning to you too' I laughed between the licks on my face from Jesse. When she got off she sat next to me with her head on my lap. Well it looks like I won't be getting any sleep anytime soon.

Nat walked in the room.

'Jesse I told you not to go in here and leave these two alone! Oh.. Where's Brad?'

'Your mum called him upstairs'

'Oh right. Hey Jas, look, I know I tease you guys like 24/7 but I do actually like you you know. I mean, he's my baby brother so I have to tease him! But honestly though, I love seeing him happy and I see that all the time when he's with you. I've pretty much known you my whole life anyway so I know he'll be well looked after!'

She reached out to hug me.

'Aww that actually got me a bit emotional, gosh what am I like! But thank you, that was great to hear'

'AWWW MY BIG SISSY DOES LOVE ME, HOW CUTE' Brad came running in speaking in a baby voice, he must've been listening at the door. He sat on Nat's lap as if he was a young child and she was his mum.

'Oi don't go thinking I'm getting soft in my old age ok'

'No, course not' I heard the sarcasm in Brad's voice.

The three of us were all chatting away when Brad's parents came in to say goodbye.

'Right we're off darlings, Nat have fun this weekend and stay safe ok. Brad, please just don't burn the house down ok?'

'Oh yeah thanks, don't tell me to have fun or stay safe then..'

'You know that was implied! Have fun though darling but please do stay safe! See you later Jasmine, I trust you'll look after my boy'

'Oh cheers mum, so you trust my girlfriend more than you trust me!'

'I told you everyone loves me more than you'

'Right well on that note, we're off! We'll text you when we get there and when we're on our way back. Bye!'

I heard my phone go off.

@BradleyWillSimpson: you know things have changed when your own mum trusts your girlfriend more than you, thanks @ohitsjas.. :(

I don't know why but it made me smile seeing him call me his girlfriend. It felt weird but a good weird, I loved it.

@ohitsjas: @BradleyWillSimpson don't cry because everyone in your family prefers me over you, even Jesse :)))

I heard my phone go off once again. It was a text from James.

'Oh so I'm guessing the reason you didn't reply last night was because you were busy playing happy families with Brad? So I probably just made a fool out of myself with that message, you could have at least told me you were going out with him.. I know you won't want to hear this but it doesn't change anything, I still feel exactly the same way about you xxxxx'

My face dropped but I tried to hide it from Brad. We were both finally happy, I couldn't ruin it now by telling him. I deleted the messages and carried on with my day.

'Hey listen you I need to go home and get changed then I'll come back and we'll do something?'

'Yeah of course! Hey you can say no if you want but do you fancy staying round mine for the weekend? I know I'm 18 but I hate being home alone..'

'Aw who's a cute little baby' I squeezed his cheeks and put on a baby voice. 'I'm kidding, of course I'll stay. You've done it for me plenty of times'

@BradleyWillSimpson: Ahhh this will be the best weekend ever, just me and my girl @ohitsjas <3

He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. I kissed him back.

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