Chapter 32- the truth

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*1 message from James*

'Morning beautiful, sleep well? I must say, you looked amazing last night.. I bet Brad's pleased he can call you his. I want to say I'm so sorry for last night, I just can't stand seeing you with someone else. I guess we have another little secret, ay? <3 xxxxxxxx'

*1 message to Brad*

I need to talk to you

Within a second Brad had rushed in.

'Are you ok? What's the matter??'

'I remember' I whispered, still wrapped up in my duvet.

'Remember what?'

'Last night.. I remember'

'Oh, well do you want to talk about it now or later?'

'You're going to hate me so much, I feel sick just thinking about it' I sat up and I could feel myself wanting to cry already. 'I don't want to lose you' I whispered, trying to hold back my tears.

'Jas, you're really scaring me.. What's happened??'

'Before me and you got together, when we were in that fight, me and James got a lot closer..'

'Ugh please don't remind me'

'And well, we erm w-we'

'Jas please hurry up, you're worrying me a lot'

'I slept with James but I felt disgusting after because I can't believe I did it and all I could think about was how you'd react and last night he tried to kiss me again but I remember just trying to pull away, he must've pushed me against the wall because of my bruises and..'

Brad got up and turned away.


'Don't, just please don't ok'

'Please say something' I said quietly.


'Wait, so you're not mad at me?'

'Look..' He came and sat back down next to me. 'I haven't been honest with you either..'


'I was kind of seeing someone when we fell out too..'

'Seeing someone? What does that mean?'

'She's now become a fan of my music and stuff, it's weird. She's just someone I've known for ages but never really talked to, you know?'

'No, I don't know actually'

'Wait, you're not seriously getting pissed off with me are you? After telling me about you and James??'

I realised he had a point, I had no right to get mad at him.

'So anyway, we were talking and just got really close and yeah'

'And yeah?'

'Yeah we might have kissed a couple of times and whatnot but that's it'

'Ooooh you have no idea how badly I want to be angry but I can't because what I did was so much worse and I'd just look like an idiot but the whole thing just made me realise how much I do love you and I don't want to lose you over something so stupid and I'

Brad kissed me out of nowhere.

'You don't have to kiss me because you feel sorry for me you know'

'I kissed you because I want to silly! And maybe to shut you up a bit'

I sighed. 'I love you, you know that right?'

He kissed me again. 'That answer your question?'

I smiled and hugged him.

'Whatever happened was in the past ok, before we got together. So it shouldn't matter. Can we just forget about it?'

'Forget about what?' Brad asked sarcastically.

'From now on, no more secrets right?'

'Yes, no matter what it is we'll just tell eachother because we can get through it, we know we will'

'Pinky Promise?'

'Brad.. We're in year 13 not 13 years old..'

'Hey! Don't knock pinky promises!'

I held out my little finger and locked it with his. I laughed, how did I end up with this idiot? I have no idea but I wouldn't change him for anything. I guess one mistake was what it took to realise what I had and how much I don't want it taken away from me.

'I can't stop thinking about how horrid James is, I thought he was a mate! I would never have had him down as someone to spike someone's drink, ever'

'And you think I did?! I knew he liked me but doing all that, I can't believe it'

'I'm going round to see him, I am not letting him get away with this!'

'Brad! No, please? Please don't do anything. I don't want anything to get worse, who knows what he could be capable of..'

'Hey hey, look at me ok. As long as I'm around I promise I won't let anything happen to you'

'I-I'm scared' I whispered as I hugged him.

'Don't be, I love you' he hugged me tight.

I felt like a little kid at Christmas, you know when you're just happy with anything you get? I'm glad I told Brad about James though, getting that off my chest was a huge relief. No more secrets though so things can only go up from here, right?

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