Chapter 33

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It was Saturday evening and me and Brad had already ran out of food at his so we were deciding what to do for dinner.

I was sat on the sofa in my dressing gown and slippers hugging a pillow because it was freezing cold inside. Clever Brad thought he could be a boiler man and try fix the heating as it had been broken for a while and he knows I get cold easily.

'Maybe just stick to singing yeah?'

'I'm so sorry, I thought it'd be simple but I've just increased your chances of freezing to death!'

'Yepp, can always count on you to lighten up the mood..'

Brad got up, went into the kitchen for like 10 minutes and then came back in.

'Right you, get your glad rags on and be ready in half an hour. I'm treating you to something special!'

'For what reason?'

'Because you deserve it and I want to take you out' Brad wrapped his arms around me.

'Beware, soppy Brad is out!'

'Oi you love it'

On that note I got up and ran upstairs. What did he mean by glad rags? Nice clothes or like fancy fancy? I love surprises but not when you don't even have a clue about it. I mean, you could be too overdressed and you'd just look silly but then again you could be too underdressed so it's a bit of a lose lose situation..

I practically moved my whole wardrobe to Brad's for the weekend so it saved me running home to change. I stood staring into my wardrobe trying to find a suitable outfit and lost track of time.

'15 MINUTES BABE' Brad shouted from outside my door.


I took out my high waisted black skirt and many different tops. I had to pick quickly because my make up would take like another 50 billion hours.

I went for a slightly cropped red top which had clearly shrunk as it was a bit tight getting on. Luckily my skirt was high waisted so not much of my tummy was showing. I applied a tiny bit of foundation as I didn't want to overdo it, put my red lipstick on and some eyeliner. I quickly straightened my hair which wasn't perfect but it'll do.

I walked down the stairs to find Brad waiting for me looking very sharp. I'd never seen him so smart before. I could definitely get used to it though.

'Right m'lady, are you ready to go?'

'Can I know where we're going yet?'

'Nope, you'll find out when we get there. Now come on, your carriage awaits'

He opened the door to a slick black car waiting outside with someone already in the drivers seat. I grabbed my coat and walked to the car. I was greeted by the driver who opened the car door for me and I got in.

'This is amazing yet scary at the same time' me and Brad were holding hands in the car again.

'Why scary?'

'Because I have no idea where you're taking me!'

'Just be patient. By the way you look absolutely stunning' Brad whispered the last bit to me and it tickled.

'You don't look too bad yourself Simpson, I could definitely get used to you in suits' I winked at him and looked down to his lips.

'Uh god the urge to grab you and kiss you is so high right now but you've got the damn lipstick on'

I did a dramatic sigh. 'Fine.' I let go of his hands and moved to the next seat over.

I heard the driver giggle. 'Women are hard work hey buddy?'

I felt Brad looking at me as the car started to slow down. We were on a hill, dangerously close to the edge, with distant lights in sight. I got out and looked around, I couldn't see anything or anyone else around.

'Ready babe?' I felt Brad take my hand as he said bye to the driver who would come back to pick us up.

We were walking down this path that was lit up by small candles and at the end I could see a tent shaped white sheet thing that had a bench inside.

'Are we going camping or something?'

Brad just laughed and carried on leading me to this place.

'Is that-is that a candlelit table?' I said squinting my eyes to make sense of what was ahead.

'You really don't get this being patient thing do you?' Brad laughed.

I shrugged my shoulders and carried on walking with Brad. Shortly we were at the entrance of the tent shaped place and my stomach had butterflies in it. I was kind of nervous about what it was.

We walked inside and I was right about the candlelit table! Around us was portraits of all my favourite places and I was sure I could smell my favourite food. We sat down and our starter came.

Once we finished our starters and were waiting for our mains, Brad took my hand across the table and smiled at me.

'What? Do I have something on my face?'

'No, you're perfect'

Brad pulled out an envelope from his pocket and told me to open it. Inside was a piece of paper saying 'new beginnings are never more perfect than in New York'

'What? That makes no sense?'

'Jasmine, would you like to come to New York with me?'

My mouth dropped. 'Wait, what?! Is this for real like you're not joking around or anything?!'

'Nope. I'm being 100% serious! So, what do you say?'

'Well I-I don't know I mean where did this come from?!'

'Joe thought it'd be a good idea for me and Connor to go away for a week to just focus on writing and see if we could sort out this duo/band thing. Anyway long story short, Connor couldn't go so he gave me his ticket and I thought what with everything that's gone on we need some time away by ourselves and just focus on us. It'll be like starting fresh kind of but the whole week will just be me and you, we won't have to worry about anything else'

I looked at the piece of paper again and then looked at Brad.

'Well? What do you think?'

'I bloody love you so much Bradley Will Simpson, I'd love to go to New York with you!' I had a huge grin on my face and jumped up to hug him. I was pretty much the luckiest girl ever right now.

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