Chapter 44- familiar face

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It was Saturday morning and my dad came into my room early telling me I needed to wake up as we were going out. He pulled up my blinds leaving the sun to shine brightly through.

'Ugh what?!'

'Jas darling, we're going out for lunch so get up and get ready'

'But dad, it's 9 in the morning on a Saturday?!'

'I know but we're going to London'

'For lunch?'

'Yep!' He said, popping the p.

'Ughhhhh' I moaned.

He left my room and I dragged myself out of bed Why are we going to London for lunch? That's so random! Why are we even going out for lunch? We haven't done that for like 4 years. I hope it's nowhere fancy, I'm going to need a lot of make up to fix this morning mess I have to call my face. I also had to wash my hair as it was just not looking great today. I mean, you never know who you'll bump into in London!

*1 message to Brad*

'Morning you, dad's taking me to London for lunch??? Weird, I know. But yeah, I don't know when we'll be back so I'll text you and we can do something after? Love youuu xxxx'

I put my phone on charge and went to find an outfit. The weather was so nice outside so I went with a black skirt, high waisted of course. I then wore a white cami top and decided to wear my red docs. I towel dried my hair and put curling moose in it. I decided to have loose curls instead of straightening it because it was too hot. It was nearly 11 by the time I was fully ready so I went downstairs to see my dad waiting on the sofa.


'Yep! Let's go. Isn't mum coming?'

'Oh, no she's busy'

'Oh okay?'

'Come on, we'll get late'

The drive to London was about 2 hours so I couldn't really escape conversation with my dad. Everytime I asked my dad why we were going to London he'd space out or avoid the question which made me wary but he's my dad so I trust him.

We finally arrived and drove into Central London. We ended up in Covent Garden for lunch and once again, me and dad talked loads.

'Hey darling?'

'Yes dad?'

'So you know this whole thing with your mum and me?'


'Well I didn't just bring you to London for lunch.. I brought you to meet someone'

I gulped. 'Someone as in...'

'Ok, 3 someone's. I thought it was time to introduce you to your half siblings'

My eyes widened. Why didn't I guess this was the reason?! I felt physically sick, I wanted to run but I couldn't move.

'Please don't freak out sweetie, I just don't want to keep anything from you anymore. Besides, I think you'll get on really well with them'

I sat there in silence. How could he do this to me? If he told me in the morning I wouldn't have minded, I would've preferred it to be honest! Pfft if he thinks I'll get on with them, he's got another thing coming. These are the people who are splitting up my family so they can go do one. I started texting Brad about what's happened when my dad interrupted.

'Jas, darling. There's someone I want you to meet'

I look up and my heart started beating wildly. I saw a familiar face behind her in the crowd though, that's all I could focus on. I jumped out of my seat and ran to this guy.

'TRISTAAAAAN!' I jumped on him and gave him a big hug. 'What're you doing here?! I didn't know you were back! Why didn't you text me?!'

He didn't say much, I turned around to my dad and saw him looking at Tristan then to his mum. We walked over and I was confused.


'Wh-I-What's going on?'

'Darling, this is who I wanted you to meet. This is Claire, and these are two of her boys.. Tristan and Jack. Her other son couldn't make it today'

I turned to Tristan. 'So you and me-' I stood back. 'Me and you are-are related? You're my brother?! I-No-Wh-What. This has to be a joke'

I looked to my dad, to Claire, to Tristan. I wanted to throw up, this was way too much to take in. I couldn't.

'Surprise, I guess?'

'Wait, don't tell me you knew when I met you in New York?!'

'No of course not! I didn't know, I swear!'

'Wait a minute, you two know eachother?' My dad was confused.

'Er yeah we met in New York, I didn't ever think we'd meet again but I'm glad we have! Even if it is to find out we're related...'

'Oh my god wait until Brad finds out! Oh my god you could write more songs together! Oh my god you could be their drummer!!'

'Oh my god!' Tristan said sarcastically in a girls voice.

'Hey, shut up' I playfully him.

'So, you're not mad at me for tricking you love?' My dad came over to me.

'I would've preferred if you told me before but no, not anymore. I mean, obviously it'll take a while to get used to all this but I think I'll be fine' I looked to Tristan and smiled.

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