Chapter 5 - Steve McGarrett

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So this was requested by VictoriaBarrs thank you! All though she requested that she wanted Steve and she had no idea on what the story would be about so that is my idea.
Request: Victoria x Steve McGarrett

Storyline: Victoria gets kidnapped and Steve must rescue her before it's to late...
Victoria's POV
My phone buzzed and I picked it up with a smile. It was my boyfriend of a year. "Hello?" "Hey babe." He said and I could imagine the smile he had through the phone. "Hey. What's up?" "Oh nothing. Just wanted to hear your voice." My smile fell a bit. "Though case?" "Yeah." "You know what? I'm coming to get you and then we can sit and watch movies and eat snacks and just forget about the world for a few hours, okay?" "Ever told you how much I love you?" I could imagine that smile again. "Not enough. Im coming in like ten minutes." "Okay, see you then. Love you!" "Love you too!"

I started to walk towards the palace taking a shortcut, I walked down an alleyway, keeping to the middle of the alley, before I realized I felt like I were being followed.
Spinning around, I saw no one, but heard someone whisper, "That's her, I'm sure of it!"
"Hello?" I asked, "Who's there?"
No one answered. The alleyway went silent once more.
I shrugged, it was probably nothing.
I turned away, walking further into the darkness of the alley.
Suddenly, something hard hit me in the head, knocking me to the ground, an intense pain blossoming through my skull.
"What happened to the beautiful day?" I randomly wondered.
Something else then covered my mouth, soft, with weird scent, and I struggled against the strong grip, but to no avail, because a few minutes later I passed out, blackness filling my vision.
Steve's POV
10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 25 minuets. Now has it gone by 30 minutes and Vi should have been here already! I stepped out of my office and walked over to Kono. "Hey Kono?" "Yeah, boss?" "Could you do an trace on Vicky's phone?" "Yeah, sure." She did her thing. "That's weird.." "What's weird?" Danny asked as he entered the room. "Vicky's phone is behind the palace but it isn't moving." With those words both me and Danny ran out of the room towards the back of the palace. Sure, she was my girlfriend but she was like a sister to Danny. We searched the hole alley but all we found was her phone and a little bit of blood. "Damn." I cursed under my breath as I noticed the message on the phone. "What?" Danny asked. So I read it out loud. "Dear commander McGarrett, if you want your girlfriend safe and sound back you need to turn you self in to me. When you have done that I'll let Vicky here leave, but ONLY if you come alone. ~ V.H" Do you think that V.H might be Victor Hesse?" Danny asked after a moment of silent. "Yeah, I mean I did kill his brother and all."
Victoria's POV
I opened my eyes tiredly and that's when I felt the pain in my head. It was to bright. I tried to move my hand to shield my face but they were bound to the chair. And there is something in my mouth. Tastes weird. I heard the door open and I tried to control my breathing because I didn't want whoever that was to see that I was scared. He held a rope in his hands and he stood right in front of me and untied my arms. He then took the longer rope and tied my arms together, and then he tied it around the pipe over my head. He took away my gag and I spit him in the face. He wiped it of and said. "Wrong move, princess." In a accent similar to British. He then hit me in the face. I spat the blood from my mouth on the floor. "Now smile for the camera." He said and then took a picture of me, wich I guess he is gonna send to Steve. Oh Steve, how I want him to hug me right now...
Steve's POV
"Boss?" I looked up from my desk to see Kono sticking her head in. "Yeah?" "You might want to see this..." "Alright." I walked after her towards the computers and screens. "So this voicemail was sent to us about a half hour ago: "Commander McGarrett, I guess that you know who I am now. If you don't, bad for you. I have your girlfriend here, and I'll let you know the address right now. I'm at the abandoned ware house at Akumu st. Be there in 1 hour. Oh and if you want proof of life, look in the file I sent with this."
Chin fixed so that the file went up and when I saw the picture all I wanted was to beat the shit out of him even more. (A/N the picture is supposed to be Victoria and Victor Hesse)

 (A/N the picture is supposed to be Victoria and Victor Hesse)

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"Lets go!"
Victoria's POV
I was almost unconscious now. He had hit me some more and given me electric shocks. The blood was dripping from my face, but other wise I was fine. "Ready for a another round, sweetheart?" I was gonna answer with something sassy but then I heard the door open and he said. "Looks like it's time for me to go." I knew Steve was here so I let my body go limp.
Steve's POV
"VICTOR HESSE!" I yelled as soon as we entered the warehouse. We walked around a bit before I found Victoria hanging from the ceiling. The others searched for Victor. I couldn't move. She was hanging in a pair of almost brownish ropes, from a brown and rusty pipe. She had blood almost all over her face and worst of all she was just hanging there. She wasn't moving. A hand was laid on my shoulder and I turned around to be met by Danny. "Steve, he's not here." He said and gave me a look of sympathy. That's when he and I moved towards Victoria. I cut the ropes and gently put her on the ground as paramedics came.
Hospital still Steve's POV
It had gone a few hours since the incident and Victoria was just waking up. "Hey, Vicky." "Hey." She rasped out. "Here." I gave her some ice ships wich she then swallows and makes her throat better.  "You know that you were coming to get me when all this happened?" I asked "Hmm?" She answers. "Well I bought a couple of movies and snacks so I thought that we could do that anyway." I said while holding up all her favourite movies. She answer simply by moving aside in the to make room for me. So when she took a hold of my hand it looked something like this:

 So when she took a hold of my hand it looked something like this:

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  "I love you so much Vi." I said while kissing the top of her head. "I love you too Steve."

Hello! Sorry that it's so long VictoriaBarrs but I hope you like it! Enjoy😝

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