Chapter 2 - Danny Williams

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So this was requested by dancer6297  thank you very much.

It's a story about the reader and Danny where he gets hurt and she tells that she loves him and later at the hospital he tells her that he loves her too.
Yours POV
I was on my way to pick up my best friend, Danny, from his work. You see he is a cop who protects this island and he's just so hot- Stop it Y/N! He's just your friend and that's all he will ever see you as. Anyway, we were having lunch, wich he has promised me like forever, so here I am waiting for him to be done with his paperwork so that we can go. "Hey Y/N what are you doing here?" Steve asked when he walked in to the HQ. "Oh you know just waiting for my best friend to be done with his paper work so that we can go to the lunch he promised me like two years ago." "Really?" "Yea, he isn't really the best to keep his promises is he?" "Nah, but I can tell him that he can go with you now." "Thank you." Steve went in to Danny's office and soon Danny walked out. "Ready for lunch my lady?" He said while extending his arm wich I gladly took. "Always my lord." We both laughed while walking out.

Danny's POV
We had just finished eating at this nice little restaurant and were now walking back to the palace. I watched as Y/N hair flew in the wind. And the sun shined at her face. She was just so beautiful. I think I love her. Too bad she only sees me as her best friend. "Hey Danny?" "Yea?" "Can I tell you something?"
Yours POV
"Yeah sure, what's up?" I could feel my palms starting to sweat and I got really nervous. What if he doesn't feel the same thing? Okay, here it goes. "I really-" suddenly a single gunshot ran out and I watched with scared eyes as Danny fell backwards with a growing red spot on his chest. "Danny, you with me?" "Yeah.." he said weak when a little bit of blood came out of his mouth. "You need to stay with me, I love you!"  I picked up the phone with shaky hands while I kept pressure on the wound. "9-1-1, what's your emergency?" "Hello, my friend has been shot! You need to send a ambulance now!" "Ma'am I have send out a ambulance to your location it should be there soon." "Please hurry, he's a cop!" "Okay, just keep calm. You should be hearing the ambulance now." The ambulance came not only a minute later and loaded him in the back. "You coming?" I could only manage a nod. He had just been rolled in to surgery and I looked down to my hands, they were covered in blood. Danny's blood. That's when I realised something. I need to call Steve.

Steve's POV
Me, Chin and Kono stood around the table when Y/N called. "Y/N?" "Steve.." her voice cracked. "What's wrong?" As soon as i said that the heads of the two cousins snapped up. "Danny... he was shot." No, what? He was just out having lunch with. Oh god she must be terrified. "Is- is he okay?" "I- I don't know they.. they just took him in to surgery. Oh god, Steve there was so much blood." She said with a shaky voice. "Hold on I'm coming." After I had hung up I was bombarded with questions. "Danny's been shot." I said and it was quiet. That was two hours ago. Now we are sitting in the waiting room waiting for answers. I hugged Y/N while she cried. I was the only one who knew about her crush on Danny. "Family of Danny Williams?" All our heads snapped up towards a doctor. "That's us." I said.
Yours POV
"That's us." Steve said. "How is he?" Chin asked. "He's fine, we were able to recover the bullet and fix him up. He should be waking up at any moment now." We all released a long breath. "Can we see him?" "Of course but only one at a time." Steve pushed me up towards the doctor and said. "You go, you need to see for your self that's he's fine." I nodded and started to walk after the doctor. Right now I'm seated at Danny's bed as he's starting to wake up. "Hey, how are you feeling?" "A bit sore, tired." "Well I'm glad you're alive, there was so much blood and i didn't-" "Hey, look at me. I'm alive." "I know." "I need to tell you something." "Okay?" I answered unsure if what he was gonna say. "You know I heard you when I was shot, you said you loved me." "Oh I- I" "It's okay, I was about to tell you that I love you too." I was shocked. "You do?" "Yes!" "Then is it okay if I kiss you?" "Always." He replied with a grin. I leaned down and kissed him and let me just say that it was the best kiss I had in a while.

I hope this is something like what you wanted dancer6297 . And I hope that everyone else likes this too. If you want a personal or just have an idea write to me or in the comments and I'll see if I can write it.

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