Chapter 4 - Danny Williams

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So this was requested by greyxsloan thank you very much.

The request: the reader tells Danny she's pregnant.
I made them married in this because that makes this easier.
Yours POV
"So what brings you here today mrs. Williams?" The doctor asked after taking a look in the file after my name. "Well i have been having this cramp in my stomach and I have been throwing up every morning." "Any Chance you could be pregnant?" "I have thought about it but I wanted to come here to be 100% sure." I said. "Of course. " The doctor took out gel and put it on my stomach. Oh that was cold. He then began the ultrasound. "Well mrs. Williams I can tell you that you're definitely pregnant." "I am?" "Yeah and you're babies seem fine." My what now? Babies? "My... My babies?" "Yes, it seems like you're having twins." "Well thank you doctor." I said and walked out of the room. Now am I sitting in my car. I need to tell Danny. I texted him.
You're at work?
Danny's POV
My phone gave a sound meaning that a text came. I smiled when I saw that it was from my beautiful wife Y/N. I laid the pen I was writing the rapport with down on the table and took up the phone.
You're at work?
Came the text. I frowned thinking something was wrong.
Yeah, everything alright love?
Was my reply. I sat waiting for the text when Steve came through the door. "Hey." "Hey." "You alright." "Peachy." "Danny...?" "It's just that Y/N sent this text and now she isn't answering." "I'm sure everything is fine. Look there she is." She walked in to my office looking as beautiful as she always does. Damn how did I get this lucky?
Yours POV
"Hey Steve?" "Yeah?" "Could I get the room with my husband?" "Oh yeah sure." He said walking out. "So..." Danny started. "You know I love you right?" "Yeah." "Danny I'm-" Steve came bursting through the door. "Danny, we need to go. Our suspect resurfaced." "Coming, we'll talk later alright?" He asked and gave me a quick kiss. I drove home and waited for my husband to come home so I could tell him then.
                          4 hours later
I heard the door open and Danny's sweet voice. "Honey I'm home! Put on something nice were going to Steve's." "Okay." I shouted back. I took on this black top with a pair of black pants. (Picture)

Now are we sitting in the car almost at Steve's place

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Now are we sitting in the car almost at Steve's place. "Hey Hun?" "Yeah?" "What was it you wanted to tell me?" "Oh nothing." The car came to a stop as we were outside of Steve's place. "Come on, we have been married 4 years now. I know when you're lying." "Okay, but please don't hate me." "I could never hate you Y/N." "Danny, I'm pregnant... with twins."
Danny's POV
"Danny I'm pregnant... with twins." She looked down to her knees. "I'm gonna be a father again? And Grace and Charlie is gonna get siblings?" "Yeah." "Oh god this is wonderful news Y/N! I love you!" "I love you to." "Come on we need to tell everyone!" "Okay." I took her hand and almost dragged her towards the house. Well inside stood I in front of everyone. "LISTEN UP!" I screamed. Everyone got quiet and looked right at us. "We have something to tell everyone." "I'm pregnant with twins." She said. It was silent awhile until Steve shouted "CONGRATULATION!" Then everyone snapped back to reality. We got hugs from everyone and Y/N got dragged away by the girls while the boys bombarded me with questions. This was gonna be a good night.

I hope this is something like what you wanted greyxsloan ! Thank you for the request! Bye! 😝

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