Chapter 61 - Angus MacGyver

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Hi! I'm like so happy now because I gonna meet my best friend tomorrow and we haven't seen each other in like 3 months.
Any way, thank you for this request!
The request: You are Jacks niece and you're in a secret relationship with MacGyver. Everything is fine until you get kidnapped and Mac freaks out more than they thought he would. Read to find out what happens.
(I'm sorry if anyone of you like this cage character but in this chapter she will not be liked that much.)
                                   Y O U
I turned my head towards the door as I heard the door bell ring. "Coming!" I yelled as I got up from my comfortable seat on my couch with a cup of coffee in my hand. I opened the door and was about to say hi when I felt electricity rush through my body and I could hear the cup smash against the floor and I could feel one of them throwing my phone next to the coffee. Then all went black.
"Y/N!" I yelled as I banged on her door once more. "We're gonna be late!" I said and sighed. I pulled out my spare key and when I was gonna unlock the door I noticed that it was already unlocked. I pulled my gun out as I walked in and immediately noticed the coffee and phone in the floor. "Y/N!!" I yelled and cleared the whole apartment. I sighed as I decided to call Matty. "Shut up, Matty, I know I'm late. My niece is missing."

                         Half and hour later
I heard the door open and soon the whole team was in my nieces apartment. My eyes met Mac's eyes and I could see that he was holding in his tears. Weird. He's probably just worried about his best friend I guess. "I'm just stating my opinion here, but are we sure that Y/N is really missing? I mean she could just have left her phone home while she went out?" Cage said and I was about to defend my niece when Mac's loud voice cut through my ears.
"On the floor?!" I tried not to scream but it came out a little bit louder than I wanted. I tried to keep my emotions under wraps but right now it didn't work that well. I mean who does Cage think she is? "Mac, why don't you take it a bit-" Jack started before I cut him of. "NO! DON'T TALK TO ME! I'M GONNA GO LOOK FOR SOMETHING TO HELP US FIND Y/N SINCE NONE OF YOU ARE DOING ANYTHING!" I yelled and stormed through the front door to get some fresh air.
"What's his problem?" Cage asked. "Probably that he and younger Dalton were in a relationship." Matty said and held up a phot which showed Mac and my niece looking into each other's eyes lovingly. "I knew it!" Riley said before Mac came into the room again. "I found her!" He said. "How?" Asked a confused Riley and me at the same time. "I gave her a necklace with a tracker in it and she must still be having it on her! Let's go!" Mac yelled and we were on our way towards my nieces location in a heartbeat.
                                   Y O U
"Ugh." Another blow to the face which made my face turn right before spitting out some blood. The last few hours had consisted of multiple blows to my face, stomach and anywhere else he could punch. He also tasered me quite a lot. "That's the best you got?" I asked and smirked at him. He was about to punch me again when the door was kicked in and I could see my uncle Jack and my boyfriend Mac running inside before that annoying Cage that thinks she can have my boyfriend coming in after them. They quickly shot down the guy that had been torturing me and soon I was lying on the floor with Mac's face over mine and my uncle holding my hand next to me. "You're gonna be fine, okay? You're gonna be fine." Mac said which reassured him more than me I think but I was glad that they had found me and I smiled up at him. "I love you but I'm to tired to stay awake right now so don't freak out now because I'm gonna pass out now." I said before closing my eyes and passing out, knowing that everything was gonna be okay when I wake up.

Hi! I hope that you like this chapter and that you have a good day!

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