Chapter 6 - Nick Stokes

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Yours POV
"I'm almost at the crime scene babe." I said to my boyfriend Nick through the phone. "Okay, the rest of us is coming in like ten minutes." He said, and you could hear Sara and Warrick talking in the background. "Okay, see you later bye!" "Bye!" I hung up. I had now arrived at the crime scene and when I got out of the car I took my kit with me. I turned on my flashlight and started to look for the body. Odd. I thought to my self. There wasn't any body here. I was about to turn around and walk back to my car as a shot rang out. I felt burning pain in my stomach and look down to se that I was shot. I fell to the ground, hitting my head in the process. I hope Nick and the others come soon or I'm dead. I thought before it all turned black.
Nicks POV
I rolled up with the car and noticed Y/N car standing there, with the door open. I took out my gun and Warrick and Sara followed me. We walked by the car to see a body lying in the dark. Thinking that it's the victim I call out for her. "Y/N!!" That's when I step in something wet and looks down to see fresh blood. I bring the light towards the body only to be met by   Y/N's eyes staring in to nothing. I started to run the little distance between her and me and screams. "CALL AN AMBULANCE, OFFICER DOWN !" That's when I reach her and check  for a pulse. Nothing. Shit Y/N. I start to do CPR right as the others came up. "Hey Nick, we heard you call-." I heard Sara gasp as she saw me doing CPR on her best friend. I heard Warrick talk to someone on the phone. "The ambulance is on its way." I checked for a pulse again and this time I got something little and then it disappeared. I started to do CPR again. I was just about to give up as the blood has almost mixed with my and the rest of the teams tears when she started to cough up blood. The rest was a blur, the ambulance showed, took her and loaded her in the ambulance, took of to the hospital. I need to call Catherine and give her the news.
Catherine's POV
I was sitting in the break room with Greg and Grissom when my phone calls. Seeing it's Nick I answer with a smile. "Hey Nicky. How's the crime scene?" "Can you put me on speaker?" "Yeah sure." I put him on speaker and made sure Griss and Greg listened. "Go ahead Nick." "Y/N's been shot." Grissom dropped his mug, Greg dropped his pen and I almost dropped the phone. "How bad?" "I don't know, she was..." "She was what Nick?" "She was dead when I came here. I got her back but she isn't breathing on her own." "Were on our way."
Nick's POV
I paced in the halls of the hospital when I heard someone call my name. "Nicky!!" I turned around to se Catherine, Grissom and Greg walking towards me and Sara. "Where's Rick?" "He went to get some coffee." "What happened?!" "I don't know, she arrived at the scene before us and I talked to her on the phone, and when we got there we found her car with the door open and then we spread out. I walked forward and saw a body. I thought it was the victim and that she was around somewhere. I stepped in her blood and looked at the body and was met by her eyes. She was dead, Cath, she was dead when I got to her." A tear made it's way down my face. "She's gonna live, sweetie. She's a fighter."
"Family of Y/N L/N?" At the sound of her beautiful name I jumped out of the chair. "That's me." "And you are?" "Im her boyfriend." "Oh okay. Ms. L/N has suffered severe internal damage caused by the bullet ripping through her stomach. The bullet hit the spine, and I'm sorry to tell you that we did everything we could but we couldn't prevent it. I'm sorry but she is paralysed...." What? Paralysed? But she won't be able to be a put in the field anymore. "Can I see her?" "Yeah sure, she is awake." The doctor smiled. I followed her to a quiet room. I opened the door to reveal a crying Y/N. I went up and hugged her. "Shh, everything's gonna be okay." She pushed me back. "HOW?!? How can everything be okay when I can't walk, Nicky?" "We'll figure something out. I promise." I hugged her again. She wasn't perfect but she was alive and breathing and that was all that mattered right now.

Hellllo, it's meeeee! It's been sooo long. Okay only a week but, HEY, I'm better. Or almost better. But I can write again. I hope you like this chapter and if you want something personal requests are still OPEN!! Love u all bye!!❤🎉😘

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