Chapter 106 - Steve McGarrett

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Hi! This was requested by Meghna-1997 thank you very much!
The request: You are Kono's best friend and when you meet the task force for the first time Steve feels himself drawn towards you. Is it love at first sight?
(Sorry if you like horror movies but in this you don't)
                                         Y O U
"Come on, Y/N! It'll be fun!" Kono, your best friend, exclaimed over the phone. "Fine! I'll go watch the movie with you but if I die of a heart attack Im gonna come back and haunt you." Kono wanted the two of you to go to a horror movie that was showing at the local theatre but you hated, absolutely hated, horror movies. "Yes! Come pick me up at HQ!" You hung up the phone and grabbed everything you needed before making your way to your car. "What have I gotten myself into?" You muttered to yourself. You had never had a good relation with horror movies. You had always been easy to scare and when you were just seven years old your older sibling had made you watch "The Blair Witch Project" with the promise the it was just a documentary. Needless to say, that movie scarred you for life. Shaking your head of all the thoughts that began creeping into your head you set off towards where Kono was. You parked outside of the palace where Kono currently was and took a deep breath before you got out of your car. Why did it have to be so easy to convince you to do things? Not the greatest quality in life. You got your visitors badge and put it on you shirt before shooting a quick text to Kono that you were here and headed to her. You stepped through the glass doors and immediately spotted Kono who spotted you as well. "Y/N!" She exclaimed and walked up to hug you. "This is gonna be so great I promise!" She said and took your keys from your hand and walked away, probably to your car, without you. "Can I help you?" A voice asked behind me and I spun around, a little startled.

I was on my way home when I saw a woman standing in the middle of HQ. "Can I help you?" She spun around with her hand on her heart. "Sorry, you just scared me." She said. "Oh sorry I just thought you looked a bit lost." I said and took in her appearance, she looked a bit frightened but other then that she was very beautiful. "I was just picking Kono up but she took my keys and ran off without me just before you showed up...?" She said. "Oh Steve, Steve McGarett." I said and held out a hand for her to shake. When she took my hand I felt a bit of electricity but I could have just imagined it. It made me feel more drawn to her even though we had just met. "Y/N Y/L/N." I remembered Kono talking about a friend named Y/N and I guess this is that friend. "Well I should get going before Kono calls me like a hundred times." She said with a small little smile that made my heart flutter and went to walk out the doors. "Wait! I don't normally do this but I feel really drawn towards you and like I have know you forever. Would you want to go on a date with me?" I said and hopes that she didn't think I was some creep. Slowly but surely she nodded and stuck out her hand. "Give me your phone and I'll put my number in and then you can text me and I'll have your number." She said and put her number in to my phone just as hers began ringing. "It's Kono. It was really nice meeting you, Steve and I look forward to our date. Text me the time!" She said as she almost ran out the door. Maybe it's true what they say, love at first sight does exist.

Hello! I hope that you like this one, sorry that it's a bit short but I didn't know what I was gonna write. Have a good morning/day/evening/night or when ever you read this! 🌸😊

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