Chapter 120 - FBI team

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Hello! This story is about the main team in the CBS show "FBI" just so there's no confusion :) This was requested by juviaheartattack1 thank you so much!

The request: You are a new team member and you find it hard to find your place since your past teams weren't the greatest and they got rid of you quickly. Thankfully you notice that everyone is very kind and helpful but as you work your first case with them you get kidnapped. You think that the team won't come and rescue you since you're new. Will they prove you wrong? Read to find out.
(Also I have no idea how the black market/dark web works so just bare with me, I also don't know how long it takes to trace something)
"Okay team, I want to introduce you to the new member, Y/N Y/L/N. She's gonna be Emily's partner." Jubal finished talking as you looked at the group of five people in front of you. A woman with black hair came towards you, hand stretched out for yours to shake. "Emily Ryder, I'm your new partner." She said as you shook her hand. "This is Stuart Scola, Kristen Chazal, Maggie Bell and O.A. Zidan." Emily introduced the other agents and you smiled at them all. "It's a pleasure to be working with you all." You said just as Jubal called the six of you over because there was a new case.

"Three women have been killed in the Central Park area and we've just got a lead about where the killer could be. You're gonna raid the house where the suspect is and hope that you'll catch him or at least find som evidence of where he is." Jubal gave you the rundown with everything you needed to know before he let you go and get everything you need to get quickly before leaving towards the house.

"Hey, you nervous?" Emily asked you as you were in the car towards the suspects house. Emily was driving while you were in the passenger seat. "Not really." You said with a cautious small smile towards her. You had just met these people so you didn't want to be overly open with them. It was true though, you weren't nervous, at least not for the reason Emily asked. You were nervous that you weren't gonna last long with this team, just like all the other ones and that you'd end up on a desk job, permanently.

The drive was a few minutes short and soon enough you all jumped out of your SVU's. "All right, we all know the game plan." O.A started off as everyone checked their weapons and vests so that this would go smoothly. "Maggie, me, Scola and Kristen will take the front. Emily, you and Y/N will take the back in case he tries to make a run for it. Got it?" Everyone nodded and took of to find your places. "On three. 1... 2... 3... Go! Go!" You opened the back door and Emily went in first.

Gun raised you cleared room by room until you heard creaking in the stairs. Deciding to stay quiet so that you could surprise him as he was coming down the stairs you didn't say anything, instead you pushed yourself against the wall, trying to make yourself invisible as much as you could. Emily hadn't noticed that you stopped, none of your team mates ever did.

All of a sudden you were blinded by a flash grenade and you dropped your gun as you felt someone come up behind you and place a choke hold on you. You tried to fight back but the lack of oxygen quickly got to you as you started seeing black spots. "I wonder what they'll give me for an FBI agent. Especially one as pretty as you." Was what you heard before you passed out.

O M A R (O.A)
"Is everyone okay?" I asked as we all met up in the living room. "Yeah, what the hell was that?" Kristen asked. "Flash grenade." Maggie answered before she looked at me. "Where's your partner, Emily?" She asked and Emily looked around but Y/N weren't around to find. "She was right behind me." Emily muttered weakly before quickly walking back to the room she and Y/N last cleared and the rest of us followed, knowing that we wasn't gonna like whatever it was that we were gonna find. "This isn't good." Kristen said as all of us came in to the room. On the floor in front of us was the used flash grenade and just beside it was Y/N's gun and cell phone.

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