Chapter 91 - Junior Reigns

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Hello! This was requested by MK-Senpai thank you very much!
The request: You and Junior grew up as best friends but you lost contact when Junior joined the military and you continued to study. One day you're in trouble and go to the Five-0 headquarters for Juniors help.
( Super sorry that I haven't posted anything in a really long time!)
                                    Y O U
You looked behind you as you entered Iolani Palace where your friend, well not really friend because you hadn't been in contact for over ten years but still, your friend Junior worked nowadays. You didn't see anyone behind you so you sighed out of relief that you weren't being followed anymore. You went through all the security and then you were told to wait and then you got a visitors badge from the receptionist and then you were let upstairs. Your heart was beating hard and your hands were sweating. You hadn't seen Junior in a long time and you weren't sure how he would react. You looked through the glass doors and you saw Junior and four other people stand around a table talking about something. You took a deep breath and opened the glass doors and as you went through five heads turned towards you. "I need your help, Junior."
"I need your help, Junior." She said and for a moment I was shocked that she was even here. We hadn't talked or even seen each other for years. "Y/N?" I asked, still not believing that she was here. "You know her Junior?" Tani asked but I just moved towards Y/N. "Can we talk? In private?" She asked and I nodded and led her towards my office. I let her go in first and as soon as I closed the door and turned around she was hugging me with all her strength until she scrambled away. "I'm sorry- it's just I haven't seen you in a long time and I'm in trouble." She said and I could see tears in her eyes, waiting to be spilled. I brought her in another hug, knowing that the team were watching and that I was gonna have to explain this to them later. "Its okay, it's okay." I whispered into her ear. "Now, tell me why you're in trouble." She opened her mouth like she was about to say something but then she closed her eyes and when she opened them I could see more tears in her eyes and something else, fear. "Do you have a name for him?" She asked and pointed to the John Doe on the board where the team was and as I turned around I could see that the team were surprised and confused. As was I, did she have anything to do with the murder? "No, at the moment he's a John Doe. Why?" I asked, still confused. "Justin." She whispered and a tear ran down her cheek. "Justin?" I asked, growing even more confused. What did she know? "His name is Justin Walker, he lived next door to me for a while before he moved and we became good friends so we kept in touch and the day before yesterday I was at his house and after I had left I sat in my car and realized I had left my shopping bag so I knocked on the door but when Justin opened he wasn't himself. He was jumpy and scared and worried about me being there. As soon as I had gotten my bag he went to close the door but before he had closed it completely I saw a man with a gun and I think he saw me. Yesterday I woke up to a guy who was parked outside my house for awhile and today I was followed so I just came here. You can help me right?" She said and I sighed and ran a hand over my face. "Did you get a good look at anyone of the guys who's been following you? Or the guy in Justin's house?" I asked her and she nodded. "Would you be able let my boss over there interview you? Or maybe sit with a sketch artist?" I asked her and she nodded again. "Then I can keep you safe." I said smiling and she stood up and hugged me. "Thank you, thank you." She whispered. "Come on. I'll introduce you." I opened the door and let her walk out first and then I walked out. "Guys, this is Y/N Y/L/N. We grew up together." I said and there was a few 'hello' and 'nice to meet you' before Steve spoke up. "Do you know our John Doe?" He asked and she nodded. "His name is Justin Walker. We used to live next door and I was there that day he was killed." She said and Steve nodded. "She's willing to do an interview and sit with a sketch artist." I said and then he and Y/N went in to his office with Danny to do the interview.
(a few hours later)
After the interview you had done with Lieutenant Commander McGarrett and Detective Williams and the sketch of the guys that had been following you they had gotten a lead so they went out to chase the killer. Junior let you wait in his office since you didn't feel safe anywhere else. You were pacing around in his office as you were waiting for the team to come back. Every time you tried sitting down your nerves got the best of you and you had to stand up. Every time Juniors or anyone else's phone rang you jumped, yeah, you were really scared. But you were safe here, right? It's a police station. You sighed and looked at your phone and noticed that they had been gone for at least three hours now. Had something happens to them? Were they all lying injured or dead somewhere? You walked towards the big window that was located behind Juniors desk and scanned the view of any familiar faces. As you did this you didn't hear the door open. "Y/N, we're back!"
                               J U N I O R
"Y/N, we're back!" I said and she jumped. "Jesus Christ, Junior! You scared the shit out of me!" She said with a hand over her heart. I laughed quietly at her. "We got all the guys that killed Justin and had been following you." I said with a small smile. "I'm safe?" She whispered. "You're safe." I nodded and before I knew what was happening her lips were on my lips and we both melted in to the kiss. Then she pulled away. "I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. Thank you for keeping me safe." She said and was about to walk out the door but I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me. "I like you, Y/N, and I'm not going to let you go." I said. "Really?" She asked and I nodded. "Then I guess that I like you too." She said and we kissed for the second time.

Hi! I hope you like this one, and I'm super sorry that I haven't posted anything in almost a month! Life's been super busy but I promise that im trying! This may have been a little rushed so sorry for any mistakes of if it's not that good! Bye! 🥰🌸

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