Chapter 94 - Steve McGarrett (father)

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Hello! I hope that you're having a good day! This was requested by OliviaT2021 thank you very much! (and I'm so sorry this took so long! Hope you like it!)
The request: You're Steve's daughter and considering he has so many enemies it's obvious he's protective of you, although you thinks that he's overprotective. One day you get kidnapped and Steve must find you before it's to late, read to find out what happens.

(Ps: if you like the way that this is divided and feel like it might be easier to read or not and don't want me to do it on other chapters then please comment so that I know whether to do that or not on the other chapters. It's just something I'm testing out now since this chapter became so long. Thanks in advance😊)
"Call me when you get home." You looked at the text your dad sent you, it was the same as he always sent, everyday. Call me when you get there and here and call me when you leave the house and so on and so on. He was simply too protective sometimes. You rolled your eyes and sent a thumbs up emoji to him before putting you phone back into the back pocket of your shorts. You kept on walking around the beach as it was starting to become less and less people there. You always liked the way the ocean sounded at just this beach.

You took some pictures and looked around, just to take it all in even though you've been at that beach almost since you could walk and that's when you noticed that there were two men looking over your way a lot and they didn't look friendly. You decided to call dad. "Y/N? Where are you? I just got home and you're not here?" He started rambling before you cut him off. "Dad!" You were sure you had alerted the men that was watching you and took a quick glance back and saw that they had started to move closer to you. "Listen to me, dad. I'm at the beach not far from the house and there are two men following me and I don't know what to do." You rushed out. "Okay, Y/N, find some place that you can hide and stay with me on the phone until I get there." You could hear him moving around the house and a door shutting.

"I'm on my way now okay, just hide somewhere." He said and you looked around for a place to hide and then you found the perfect one. "Okay, I'm hiding now." You whispered into the phone. "Good, I'm almost there, okay." He said and you looked around but you couldn't see anyone but all the sudden you could feel someone's hand on your foot and you were being pulled out from under the bench you had been hiding under. You screamed as you dropped your phone and you could hear your dad screaming as well. "Y/N!"
"Y/N!" I screamed in to the phone as I heard her scream. I turned the corner to the beach where she was but I couldn't see anyone. I jumped out of the car and looked around but the only thing I could see was Y/N's phone so I picked it up. "Y/N!" I screamed out one more time and looked around and when I didn't see her I knew that she was gone. I kicked a trash can out of frustration. I couldn't even save my own daughter from getting kidnapped.

I had sent a text to Danny in the car to get the whole team together so I got back into the car and drove to the palace.
at the palace
I walked through the doors to where the rest of the team was. "Steve!" Danny said. "Did you find her?" He asked, looking behind me. I shook my head no and placed her phone on the computer table. "This was all I found." I said. "Well, I won't be able to do a search on where she is since her phone is here but I got the security tapes from a nearby traffic camera that picked up the kidnapping." Kono said and pulled up a grainy video of two guys following Y/N around and keeping their distance until she called me and they started to move on her. We could see her hide under a bench and her getting dragged away.

"God." I said with a sigh. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw Danny stand next to me. "We're gonna find her Steve." He said and I nodded along. "But what if we're to late?"
"HELP! HELP ME!" You screamed but no one heard you. You weren't surprised however, from what you could see it looked like you were in a basement and since you were handcuffed to a radiator you couldn't really explore much more than what you could see. "HELLO! I'M DOWN HERE! HELP ME!" You screamed again, making your voice hoarse. You knew that no one was gonna come but you had to try.
Your head whipped to the one and only door in the room as you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. You took a deep breath and prepared yourself for what was about to happen. The door opened and a bald guy in his late thirties came in looking around. You recognized him from the beach.

"You stupid little bitch." He said, slapping you. "Stop screaming, okay? You need to shut up or you're gonna feel a lot more pain than your feeling right now." He said, and kicked you in your stomach making you fall flat onto the ground, couching hard. If you scream one more time I'm gonna empty my gun in your head." He pulled out a gun just when another guy came in. "Woah, T, what's going on here?" He asked the guy with a gun to my head. "She just couldn't keep quiet, I just wanted to make her be quiet permanently." He said, showing me a wicked grin. "In all time, little brother, in all time. But first, we gotta see how much information we can get out of her." The other guy said.
I sat in my office going through the video from the beach where Y/N was taken, trying to see if I could find something when Chin bursts into my office. "Steve we found her." He rushed out and the next thing I knew we where all in our cars on our way to a house that looked vacant, although it wasn't. My daughter was in there.

"Chin, you and Kono take the back, me and Danny will take the front, let's go." I said and we all spread out. "Five 0!" I shouted before kicking the door in. We cleared all the rooms quickly and soon Kono called out. "Got a basement, boss!" Chin opened the door and we all went down the stairs where I could see one of the kidnappers laying dead on the ground and the other had a gun pointed to my daughter. My daughter who looked like she had been to hell and back, she was covered in wounds, bruises and blood. "You take another step and I'll blow her head off." Trent, the kidnapper, said. "Okay, Trent, listen to me. Why don't we just talk this through, okay? Man to man. Let the girl go." I said, still pointing my gun at him. "NO!" He screamed. "Look what she did to my brother! She killed him! And for that, she needs to die." He said and I could see that he was gonna pull the trigger so I quickly aimed at his head and pulled the trigger which caused him to fall down with Y/N.

I ran up to her and pulled her towards me and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I could faintly hear Danny call for paramedics but the only thing that I could focus on was Y/N. "You're really here." She said, almost in a whisper, like she didn't believe it. "Yeah, I'm here, baby. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." I said with tears running down my face and when the paramedics loaded her into the ambulance I knew that she was gonna be okay. All her wounds would heal in their own time even though the mental ones might take longer to heal I was just happy to have my baby girl back.

Hello! I'm so so so so so so so sorry that this took so long to upload but my life had been hectic the last few weeks so I haven't really had time to write. Anyways, I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's Eve and that this new year is gonna be the best one yet in your life. Thank you all for reading my books, it honestly means a lot for me. Happy new year! Peace🥂🥰💖

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