Chapter 97 - Steve McGarrett

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Hi! This was requested by AzaleaLennox thank you!
The request: Joanna and Steve are married and they both work at five-0. One day Joanna gets hurt at work and hides it from everyone.
                              J O A N N A
"All suspects are in custody or dead. All but one. Carter got away." I heard my husband, Steve say throughout the comms. I stood up from the ground, where one of the dead suspects laid next to me, and took a deep breath before I almost collapsed on the ground again. There was a sharp pain in my ribs and I carefully took of my vest and lifted my shirt up and cursed at what I saw. A big, purple and yellow bruise and it felt as if my ribs were broken. "Joanna, what's your location?" I heard Danny faintly ask through the comms since I had taken them out before removing the vest. I quickly put my vest on again, minding the ribs as much as I could, and put the comm back in my ear where I now could hear my husband. "Jo? Where are you? Why aren't you answering? Are you okay?" If I wasn't in so much pain I would laugh at how worried he was. "I'm here, Steve. I just had to take care of a suspect and I'm-" I stopped right in the sentence. I wasn't okay but if I told them now Steve would care more about me than about catching Carter and that wasn't a good thing. "Joanna?" Steve's voice cut through my thoughts. "I'm okay, sorry. I thought I heard something. I'm on my way to you now so that we can get back to the palace and start the search for Carter."
At the palace
                                 S T E V E
"Are you sure you're okay, babe?" I asked Joanna as she was holding her ribs and wincing lightly with every breath she was taking. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just bumped into a tree back there but nothing major." She said and gave me a small smile. "Okay, if you say so." I said and focused on finding Carter, although I kept throwing her glances to see if she would just collapse or something. I also moved a bit closer to her. "Have you found something on Carter yet?" She asked and I could hear the strain in her voice. "No, not yet. Are you sure you're okay, babe? You sound like you're in a lot of pain." I said, looking her up and down to see if I could have missed any injuries. "No, baby, I'm really fine. I'm just a bit tired, okay." She said. "Okay, if you say so. I just - I just don't want to see you hurt, or worse." I said and gave her a small smile. "It's okay." She answered before continuing the search for Carter.

                             J O A N N A
"This is pointless!" Danny exclaimed. "We have been searching for him for hours now and we haven't had a single lead." He continued, although it sounded a bit muffled to me. "Yeah, you're right." Steve said and turned around to look at me. "Jo, what do you think?" He asked but I didn't answer, I just stood there, swaying. "Jo? Are you okay?" He put his hand on my shoulder and I looked at him and I were sure you could see the pain in my eyes. "Steve?" I whispered. "Yeah, I'm here baby, you're hurt aren't you?" He asked and I could hear how worried he was. I nodded and said, "My ribs, I think they're broken. I'm sorry I didn't say anything I just didn't want you to stop focusing on Carter." I said and started to feel like I was gonna pass out. "I'm sorry." I whispered one more time before my legs gave out and I passed out.
                                S T E V E
At the hospital
I held Jo's hand as I felt her start to wake up. "Hey, baby. Take it easy, okay? Don't move around to much." I said softly, kissing her forehead. "Where am I?" She asked and looked around. "You're in the hospital honey. You broke you ribs in the field and then you hid it from everyone." I said and I could hear my anger and concern mix together in my voice. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to stop focusing on finding Carter." She said and I could see her eyes water. "Hey, it's okay, it's okay sweetheart. Just next time, tell me so that I don't have to die from a heart attack when you just collapse in my arms." I said, chuckling a bit although I was still worried about her. "Sorry." She said again and I smile softly. "It's okay, baby, it's okay. I'm always gonna worry about you. That's my job as a husband." I said and squeezed her hand.

Hi! I hope you like this one! Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you to every single on that has been reading my books or commenting or whatever. It really is that that keeps me writing so thank you. 🥰🌸

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