Chapter 53 - Steve McGarrett

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Hello! I got this amazing request from Sop_martini thank you very much! Hope you like this one.
The request: You are Steve's girlfriend and you work for NCIS and you manage to have a working long distance relationship. One time you surprise him at the office in Hawaii and when you get there you see Steve and Catherine in his office and you feel insecure because there history together but Steve reassures you that he only has eyes for you.
"I love you too, babe and I wish I could come see you sooner." I told Steve through the phone as I was waiting for my bag at the airport in Hawaii. I was planning on surprising him since I live in Washington and he lives in Hawaii. We also both have really busy lives as he runs his own task force and I work at NCIS. "I gotta go, babe. Gibbs is annoyed with me because I'm talking on the phone with you instead of working." I said, chuckling to make it sound realistic. "Love you, bye." I said and hung up and grabbed my bag. In reality, Gibbs had said that I needed to take some vacation since I haven't done that in a while. The only time I'm not working is on one of mine and Steve's anniversary or when I'm sick. So I took two weeks off and flew to Hawaii. I got a cab and told him to drive to the Palace. When we got there I thanked the driver and paid him. I was walking towards the doors when I heard a voice behind me. "Well, if it isn't Special Agent Y/L/N." I smirked as I turned and was met by Danny. "Danny Williams, haven't seen your ugly face in a long time." I said while hugging him. "Right back at ya. So why are you here? Is it work related or are you surprising Steve?" He asked as he let me go. "The latter, got two weeks off so decided to spend them here." I smiled as his eyes went slightly wide. "You're staying for two weeks?" "Yup!" I said. "I need to go now so Steve dose t see me through the window or something." I said and Danny nodded as we bid farewell. I walked in and was met by Duke who said Steve was upstairs in his office so that's where I went. My heart dropped a little as I walked in to the HQ and saw Steve with his back to me and talking to Catherine who just gave me a look. She hasn't really liked me that much since she found out that me and Steve were dating. Chin and Kono got a look at me and came over for hugs. "Y/N! Long time no see!" Chin exclaimed and Steve must have heard because he turned around as I hugged both the cousins. He walked out of his office with Catherine behind him.
I stood with my back against the window of my office as Catherine started talking about something that I wasn't really paying attention to since I was thinking about Y/N. I wish I could see her soon. I miss her. I miss her laugh. I miss her smell. I miss her smile. I miss everything about her. Are you even listening, Steve?" Catherine asked and I could hear that she was annoyed m. I tore my eyes away from the window to look at her and noticed how close she stood. "Is there something you want, Catherine?" I asked as I started thinking about Y/N again. "Yes, as a matter of a fact there is." She smirked a little. "What is it?" I asked, just wanting her to get out of here. "You." She said and caught me by surprise. "Wh-what?" I stuttered out. "You, Steve. I want you." She said as she stepped closer and put a hand on my chest. "I'm in a relationship." I said. "And let me remind you that you left me for your work like a year ago." I said and before she could say anything I heard China voice. "Y/N! Long time no see!" I quickly turned around to see Y/N hugging the cousins and I walked out, followed by Catherine. "We're not done, Steve!" She exclaimed but I ignored her and walked straight up to Y/N and kissed her. She was a little surprised at first so she didn't kiss back but then she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me too. When we pulled apart a while later because we both needed air I wrappers my arm around her shoulders as she leaned into the side of my body. "I missed you." I say. "Why didn't you tell me you were gonna come here?!" I asked looking down at her. "Then it wouldn't be a surprise! And even better, I'm staying for two weeks! She said. "Really?" I asked and she nodded. I kissed her forehead as I remembered Catherine. "I think we're done here, Cath." I said and she stormed out of the office, clearly angry.
After Catherine had left me and Steve went into his office and sat down on the couch, well he sat and I was kind laying on his body. We talked about things we had missed while we were away and what had happened in our lives the last two months in which we hadn't seen each other in. There were kisses here and there and it felt really good but there was one thing that was still bothering me and Steve seemed to notice. "What's wrong, babe?" He asked me and I untangled myself from him in order to be able to look at him. "I just feel.." I started not really knowing hot to describe it. "Feel like what?" He asked. "Insecure." I said as I found a good word for it. "Insecure? Why?" He asked. "It's just, when I see you with Catherine I feel like you're gonna leave me for her. I mean you dated a really long time and then she dumped you right before you were gonna propose and I just feel like you would go back to her if you had the chance." I said, looking down at my lap, avoiding eye contact. Steve took a hold of my hand and squeezed it as he lifted my chin up so that I would look at him. "I love you, okay? Catherine came here today and said that she wanted to get back together with me." I could feel my heart beat faster wondering if he was gonna brake up with me. "And I told her that I was in a relationship that I don't wanna get out of anytime soon." I looked at him with a little smile. "You mean that?" I asked as he nodded. I kissed him on the lips and then rested my forehead against his. "I love you so so so much." He said as he kissed my nose. "I love you so so so much more." I said and we went back to talking again.

Hi! Im so happy right now an I hope you are too. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great day. Peace!✌🏻💗

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