Chapter 111 - Christopher LaSalle

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Hi! This was requested by Fandom_Princess_21 thank you very much!
Spoilers for season 6 episode 6 of NCIS: New Orleans, "Matthew 5:9" so if you haven't seen that episode but plans on doing so, please don't read this one!
The request: You and Chris are dating and have been for a while when you get a call from Pride about Chris. That call changed your life. Read to find out how.
                                         Y O U
"This is Christopher, I can't talk right now, call me back and I'll talk to ya later." You heard for the fifth time that hour. Ever since Chris had found out that his brother was missing and then found dead he had been acting a bit closed off and hellbent on finding Cade's killer and you couldn't blame him but you just wish he would at least text you to let you know that he was okay. You sighed and sent a text to Chris asking him to either text you or call you, just to let you know that he was okay. You put down your phone and put some music on before you started to distract yourself by cleaning the apartment that you and Chris were living in. It wasn't that messy but you welcomed the distraction, happy to be doing anything other than just sit on the couch and staring at the door waiting on Christopher. It was hours later, after you had passed out on the couch that your phone rang. You picked it up not knowing that it would change your life forever.

"Has someone called Y/N?" Sebastian asked and I nodded although I had my back facing him as I was still staring through the doors that Christopher had been rushed through almost a half an hour ago. "Yeah, she's on her way." I said and my voice cracked slightly at the end but I didn't care. "He can't die, it'll break her." I said and the "it'll break the team too" went unsaid. Sebastian laid his hand on my shoulder and my eyes tore away from the spot on the wall that it had been focused on for the past thirty minutes to look at Sebastian and Loretta who had joined us sometime after Christopher had been wheeled away. Both of their eyes were red and it looked like they were holding back tears, were trying to stay strong.
"He's gonna be fine, Pride. But you should probably change before Y/N gets here." Sebastian said slowly, like he was afraid I wouldn't understand what he was saying. "No, I can't leave him." I said firmly and that's when Loretta jumped in. "You won't have to leave the hospital, Dwayne. I could make sure that you get a shirt from around here but you don't want to freak Y/N out any more than necessary with all that blood right? Besides there's not much you can do for him at the moment." Loretta said and I thought about her words before nodding and let her drag me away to get cleaned up and Sebastian promised to call if something happens or if Y/N arrived. Me and Loretta arrived back to where Sebastian stood, the bloody shirt now thrown in a thrash can somewhere, right as the elevator dinged and the doors opened, revealing a chaotic looking  Y/N. She had tears running down her face, her eyes were red and puffy and it looked like she had been pulling on her hair, a nervous habit I knew Christopher had told me about sometime before. She spotted us and quickly made her way towards us. "Where is he? Is he okay? What happened?" She asked and I took a hold of her arm and made her look at me before I answered her questions. "They wheeled him off to surgery an hour ago, we don't know how he's doing. He got shot trying to find Cade's killer." I said slowly, watching how Y/N reacted to the news. She let out a sob at the fact that he had been shot and I brought her into a hug. "He has to be fine." She mumbled and I nodded. "He's gonna be fine." I said but I wasn't that convinced seeing how much blood he had lost. A few hours later the doctor that were working on Christopher approached us. "Family of Christopher LaSalle?" She asked and Y/N shot up from the chair she had been sitting in. "That's me, I'm his girlfriend. How is he?" She asked and the doctor looked at her with sad eyes. "He's not doing great. We managed to get the bullets out but he's lost a lot of blood, he might not make it through the night." The doctor said and Y/N let out another sob before taking a deep breath. "Can we see him?" She asked and the doctor nodded. "Of course, but try not to overwhelm him, he's still weak and needs a lot of rest. Follow me."

You didn't know what you were expecting when you walked into Chris' room but it definitely wasn't what you saw. He was laying in a bed that made him look so small and his face was ashen and he looked skinnier than he was. You walked to the left side of his bed and placed a kiss to his forehead before taking a seat next to him, holding his hand. You noticed that Pride, Sebastian and Loretta had stopped in the doorway, giving you time with Chris. You noticed that Chris' eyes were slightly opened so you put on a small smile. "Hey, baby." You said as I more tears ran down your face. "Hey, beautiful." Chris croaked out and you shushed him. "You need to save your strength okay. You're gonna be just fine." You said but Chris opened his mouth anyway. "I just have to say this to ya. I love ya so much and I don't want you to forget that." He said and a tear made its way down his cheek before a small smile settled on his lips. The room went silent before all the alarms began beeping. The doctors barged in and tried to do everything they could but it was too late. Christopher was dead. "Time of death 17:35 pm." The doctor said with a sad glance towards us. "No, please. There gotta be something that you can do." You sobbed and Pride brought you into a hug. "He's gone, sweetheart, he's gone." Pride said into your hair as he held you as you grieved.

Hello! I didn't know how to end this but I hope that you like this one anyways. Thank you reading and I hope that you have a great time wherever you are! 🥰

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