Chapter 95 - Sonny Quinn (SEAL team)

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Hello! This was requested by H_Quinn99 thank you very much! Also I'm sorry if this isn't the best one that I've ever written as this is my first time writing for SEAL team.
The request: You have always been in love with Sonny even though you only help them sitting behind a computer screen and doesn't see him that often. Every time you want to ask him out you get too scared as you see him flirt with Davis. One day you get so upset that you can't even be into same room as him and go back to your apartment. What you don't expect is for Sonny to show up a few minutes later. Read to find out what happens.
                                     Y O U
You sat around a big table with all the members of Bravo team as you had just arrived back from a mission. Everyone was talking but you sat quietly in your chair, your eyes set on the table, occasionally glancing at a certain Sonny Quinn but every time you did your heart broke a little more since he was practically throwing him self on Davis and not even realizing that anyone else was there. "All right!" Jason said, gaining everyone's attention. "How about we get out of here and go celebrate at the bar?" He asked and he was met with multiple cheers. "Yo, Y/N, you coming with us this time?" Ray asked on your way out of the room as you never really went out with the guys. At first you wanted to say no but then you thought that this was the chance that you had been waiting on, with a little bit of alcohol in your system you would dare to ask Sonny out, and hopefully take the rejection a lot better. "Yeah, I think I will." You answered with an honest smile.

at the bar a few hours later
You walked into the bar alone since you decided to arrive after everyone else and because you were trying to hype your self up for what you're about to do. You walk up to the bar and order a shot of tequila before you look around to see if you can spot Sonny. Just as you could feel the alcohol in your body, relaxing your nerves you spot Sonny sitting at a table laughing while drinking beer. You were just gonna go over there when you saw who he was talking to, Davis. Your eyes followed his hand as he touched her arm in a way that no friend does and that broke your heart and you turned around with tears in your eyes and practically ran out of the bar. Why did you think that you could do this? He was obviously so in love with Davis. You didn't live so far away from the bar so you got to your apartment fairly quickly and after you had shut the door you slid down the wall with tears steaming down your face. How could you be so stupid? He was never gonna notice you.
                               S O N N Y
I saw Y/N walk in to the bar and order a shot before looking around. I quickly turned my head towards Davis so that she wouldn't see me looking at her but she did look amazing, let me tell you that. I laughed at something Davis said and took a sip from my beer while my hand accidentally grazed her arm. I heard the door close and I looked back to where Y/N had stood seconds earlier but she was gone. "I'll be right back." I told Davis and got off the chair and went out the door and started to make my way to Y/N's apartment which wasn't far. I knocked once on the door and waited a few seconds but no one opened so I knocked once more. "Y/N! I know your in there!" I was just about to knock on the door once more when it opened. "What are you doing here, Sonny? Shouldn't you be back at the bar? With Davis?" She said and I could see that she had been crying. "What? No? I wanted to see if you were okay." I said and she scoffed. "Yeah right. Just go back to flirting with Davis." She said and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What is going on with you?" I said and a tear escaped her eye. "Isn't it obvious?" She asked. "I'm in love with you but you're too busy flirting with Davis to even notice-" I cut her off with a kiss. When it ended I rested my forehead against hers. "I'm not in love with Davis. I'm in love with you." I said and she shook her head before taking a step back. "You're just saying that because you feel sorry for me." She said and I stepped in to her apartment, closing the door behind me.
You watched Sonny close your apartment door and then take a step towards you, taking a hold of your hands. "I absolutely don't feel sorry for you, okay. I'm so in love with you and I was just flirting with Davis to get you jealous and I admit now that it was a bad plan but I love you, okay. Not Davis." He said. "Really?" You asked him, as you still didn't believe him. "Would I have kissed you if I wasn't in love with you?" He asked and you shook your head. "Exactly but to prove to you that I am indeed in love with you I'm gonna kiss you once more, okay." He asked and yet again you nodded. And that's how yours and Sonny's relationship started, in your apartment with his lips on yours and tears streaming down your face, although in the end they were happy tears.

Hi! I hope you liked this and once again I'm sorry if it wasn't the best, this is my first time writing for SEAL team. I hope your 2019 has been good so far and that it's only gonna become better. Thank you all for reading my books, it really means a lot to me. Peace✌🏻🌸

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