Chapter 18 - Chin Ho Kelly

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Hello! I got another request of Chin Ho Kelly so here we go!
The request: Chin and Sky are married but his team doesn't know. One day Sky joins 5-0 without Chin knowing.
Wow! This one became very long! 1145 words! I'm sorry for it being so long! I hope you will like it. Thanks Sitka007 for the request!
Chin's POV
I woke up to my alarm ringing. I smiled when I felt my wife move in my arms. "Turn that off." She mumbled into my chest. I turned the alarm off and laid back on the bed and planted a kiss to her head. "Do you really need to go to work today?" She asked a little more awake. I smiled sadly. "Yeah I have to, but not in a few hours." She smiled up at me. "Then come here and cuddle me for a bit, I'm cold." She said. We laid in bed for an half hour before I decided to get up and make breakfast. Sky had fallen back to sleep so I did my best to not wake her when I got out of our bed. I made my way towards the kitchen and started to do breakfast. When I was done I heard my wife's alarm go off. I also heard her roll out of bed. And walk down the stairs. "Have I ever told you how much I love you, Chin?" She asked when she came down and saw all the food. "Not nearly enough." I said while pulling her in to a kiss. We ate our breakfast out on our balcony and watched as the sun came up. "I'm leaving now, babe! Good luck with the governor!" I called out. She came up to me and pulled me in a bone crushing hug and kissed me like her life depended on it. She looked me straight in the eyes and said, "No dying today or I will kill you myself. Even though your dead." She let me go and I got on my motorcycle and rode to work with a big smile on my face.
Sky's POV
I got dressed as I was going to meet the governor. Why? I have no idea. I got in my car and drove to his office. I sat in his waiting room for maybe a good twenty minutes. "Mrs. Kelly, the governor can see you now." His secretary said. I got up and straighten my skirt out. I closed the door after me and sat down in one of the chairs in from of his desk. "So, mrs. Kelly, you're probably wondering why you are here." He said look in right in my eyes. "Yes sir." I said. "I want you to join your husband in his task-force." He said. My eyes widened in surprise. "Joining in, like working as a cop?" He nodded. "Sir, with all due respect, I don't think that's a good decision, I mean I'm not even a cop." He looked at me pulled out some papers. "Yet." He said. I looked at the papers and there was all the papers from when I had been in the police academy. I dropped out when I met Chin. "All it takes is that I write my signature and you will officially be a police officer in the state of Hawaii." I was shocked. "Yes sir. I would gladly accept this offer, sir." I said as he started to write his signature. "I guess that you will get there on you're on?" He said as he hands me a badge and a gun. "Yes sir." I said as I took the badge and gun and walked out. I put the badge and gun in my purse as i walked to my car and drove the little distance between the governors office and 5-0s office. I wonder what Chin will think.
Chin's POV
"Chin Ho." A voice said. A voice that I knew all to well. I turned around as my team mates did the same. "Sky!" I walked towards her and engulfed her in a hug while whispering in her ear, "What are you doing here?" I let go off her and takes her hand. "Can we talk in private?" She said as she nodded towards my team. "Yeah sure." I guided her to my office and opened the door to let her in. I could hear Danny ask "who was that?" In the background and I saw Steve shrug in the corner of my eye. I walked in after her. "So?" I asked her. "You know that meeting that I had with the governor today?" I nodded. "Well he made me a cop and he wants me to be on the task force with you." I froze. How could he do that with out even asking me? "He did what?!" I asked, slightly rising my voice. I'm sure that the others must be having quite the show to watch now. Its not like these offices are sound proof. "It's not like I had a choice!" She yelled back. "I'm sorry, I just thought you would be a bit more happy for me." She whispered. My heart broke when I saw the tears that were building up in her eyes. "Oh Hun." I said pulling her in to a hug. "I am happy, it's just that I don't want my wife risking her life every day. You know that I worry about you." I said quietly.  "Lets go tell your team, huh?" I smiled a bit. "Our team." I said proudly. I opened the door and walked out after her. I took her hand and guided her towards the other. "Everyone, this is Sky Kelly, my wife." I said as they looked at me with shocked faces except Kono, she was my cousin after all. She had been to the wedding to the wedding obviously. "And our new co-worker thanks to the governor." In a while no one said any thing and Sky gripped my hand tighter thinking no one accepted her. Kono grinned from ear to ear. "Sky!" She squealed. "It's been what? 5-6 years since the wedding?" She asked as she hugged her friend. "6 and a half year." I said with a smile. After that the others came up and introduced themselves. Right there i felt that she would be a great asset to the team. I kissed her on the lips deeply as we hadn't seen each other in a while. "Guess we don't have to be apart from each other that much anymore, huh?" I asked , with the biggest smile in the world. She snuggled closer to my body as if I was gonna disappear at any moment. "God, I love you so much, Chin." She said as she let go of me a bit. "And I love you so much too." I said as i kissed her once again.

Hello again! Two updates in two days? Go me! And I'm pretty sure you will have another one tomorrow so be ready😉 Thank you for this lovely request Sitka007 💙😊 See you tomorrow!💋🎈

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