Chapter 102 - Timothy McGee

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Hello, I hope you have an amazing day! Thank you for this request niallforever15 !

Before I get into the story I just want to thank you all for a 100 thousand reads!! That's insane!! Thank you all so much for reading my stuff!!

The request: Faith finds out she's pregnant but her and Tim break up, flash forward a couple years Faith has two boys that Tim don't know about. One day they bump in to Tim on the street and she has to explain.
(Anything written in this is flashbacks)
                                     F A I T H
I threw the positive pregnancy test in the thrash can just as I heard the door open. I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom, towards the living room where Tim most certainly would be. I rounded the corner and saw Tim pacing in the middle of the living room. "Tim? Is everything okay?" I asked worried and he stopped pacing. "Yeah, everything's fine it's just - we need to talk." He said and as soon as those words left his mouth my heart stopped. "Talk? About what?" Stupid question, I knew exactly what was going on. "Us. I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore." He said and it almost looked like he regretted what he was saying. Key word: almost. I nodded and said, "I'll go get my things and I'll be out of your hair." I turned around and went into the bedroom with tears burning in my eyes as my lip trembled but I willed my self not to break down now. I packed all my things in one bag before walking back out to where Tim was still standing. I placed one hand on his arm and kissed his cheek. "Good bye, Timothy." I said and walked out of the apartment hoping that he would call after me and say that he didn't mean it. He didn't. I looked down at my stomach and placed a hand on it, slightly rubbing it although I didn't feel anything. "Don't worry. Mommy's gonna love you so much."
6 years later
"Mason stop running away! Nate hold your brothers hand." I called out to my twins as they ran in front of me in the street. That's right, twins. As if it wouldn't be hard enough to have one baby as a single mother I got two. But I made it work and they're the light of my life. "Oh god!" I heard and I looked up to see that Mason and Nathan had run into a man that had dropped his coffee. I walked up to them and pulled them back and took a hold of both their hands. "I'm so sorry, sir. Are you okay?" I asked and that's when he looked up and the world froze around us. "Timothy?" I whispered. "Faith?" He said shocked. He was just about to say something else but Nathan interrupted him. "Mommy I'm hungry! I wanna eat!" He exclaimed and I looked down at him. "And as I promised we're going to get food okay? Just a little longer." I looked back up at Tim who was now looking back and forth at Mason and Nathan.
"Wow, I assume that you find someone who treated you better than me then? What are their names?" I asked and she took a deep breath. "Mason and Nathan McGee." She said and I felt my eyes expand in shock. "I never found someone else. I found out that I was pregnant the night you broke up with me." She said and I felt sadness wash over me as I remembered that night. "I'm really sorry about that night you know. I never meant for it to go so long a 6 years without contacting you. But wow. I'm a father." I said, not really believing it. "I'm sorry for not telling you, I meant to I swear but I just though that you wouldn't answer or that you wouldn't want to have anything to do with me. I'm really sorry." She said and I nodded. "It's okay. Well not okay but I understand why you didn't tell me. I would like to be in their lives though. And maybe a chance to mend our relationship?" I asked and she nodded. "Here's my number, call me sometime and maybe we can go from there?" She asked. "I just can't believe that I'm a dad." I said still not believing it. "Well if you're not busy you could come with us and get some lunch? And we can talk a bit?" She asked, hope in her voice and I thought about it. I didn't really have anywhere that I needed to be for a while. "Sure, I can do that." I said and smiled at her. "So, who's ready for some lunch?" Faith asked Mason and Nathan and the both cheered before running ahead, leaving me and her walking together. "So, I guess I owe you a story." Faith said and started telling me everything that had happened in the last six years. I thanked whoever that was out there that made me bump into her today because I knew I made a mistake breaking up with her six years ago.

Hi! I'm sorry that ending was weird, I didn't know how to end it! I hope you liked it anyway! Bye! 🌸💗

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