Chapter 69 - G Callen

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Hi! I'm still sick so if this is weird in anyway it's because I'm sick! Anyway, thanks Lil_Queen_Beth  for this wonderful request!
The request: You and Callen are kidnapped and slowly you start to feel that it's all your fault and that the team would be better with out you, this leads to Callen telling you about some of his feelings.
(Pablo is a made up character that I came up with just so everyone know)
"Where am I?" You thought to yourself when you slowly opened your eyes. You groaned when sunlight hit your eyes and you closed them again. It took a while for your eyes to get used to the light and his time you opened them a little bit more than before. "Y/N? Oh thank god! I thought that you were never gonna wake up!" You couldn't place who the voice belonged to since your brain felt like mush but you could determine the relief that could be heard so it must be someone you knew. "Wha..? Where are we?" You could hear your own voice slurring but you couldn't do much about it. "I don't know, we were taken after work." The voice said again and this time you recognized it. "Callen?" You asked with hope in your voice. "Yeah, you remember what happened?" He asked, the worry in his voice could clearly be heard. He was probably worried for a brain injury. "It was Pablo right?" Pablo Ramirez, a well known drug lord, thief, murderer and a criminal mastermind. Ever since NCIS had gotten his case he had taken a special liking towards you and right now you couldn't help but feel that it was your fault that Callen was in this situation as well. "I'm sorry." You croaked out as your eyes started burning with I shed tears. "What? What are you sorry for?" Callen asked, confusion clear in his voice. "This, this is all my fault. I knew that he had taken a liking against me and now I got you kidnapped." Your voice cracked slightly at the end as a few tears ran down your face. You looked down at your feet from where you were hanging, in shame.
Before Callen could answer the little black, rusty door opened and in came Pablo. "Ah, I see that you have finally woken up, sweetheart." He said as he ran his hands down your body and groped your ass a little to tight because you let out a little yelp. "Don't touch her!" You could hear the anger in Callen a voice as he screamed at Pablo.
                               C A L L E N
"Don't." Another punch. "Tell." Another punch. "Me." Another punch, this time to the stomach. "What." Another punch to the face. "To." Another punch. "Do." Pablo hissed out before punching me in the stomach, again. I could hear Y/N's screams, pleading to him to stop punching me. "You know, all this is your fault." He said as he turned to face Y/N. "What?" She whispered out. "It was so easy to figure out when to take you because you fell into a pattern. Only the day we decided to take you, he decided to walk with you." Pablo spat angrily at her face before taking a deep breath. "Your team would be so much better without you, a teammate that is so easy to kidnap the she gets her teammate kidnapped along with her. What will they think of you when they find that out?" Pablo asked and ran one of his fingers down her face and under her chin before forcing her face to look at him. "Don't you dare touch her." I said with anger seeping out at every word. Pablo picked up a knife and turned to me. "Or what?" He said with a taunting face and ran the knife down her face, with just enough force to break the skin. "You son of a bitch!" I screamed. "I'll leave you to your thoughts." Pablo said and walked out with the door slamming behind him. "Y/N? Are you alright?" I asked, seeing as her head was hanging against her shoulder. "I'm sorry." Her voice cracked as she looked up at me. "This is all my fault." A few tears rolled down her face and my heart broke at the sight. This was the moment the rope around my wrists broke and I sighed at the feeling of blood rushing down to my fingers. I rushed over to her and cut the ropes of her wrists before lowering her to the ground. "Hey, listen to me. This is not your fault, okay? You are the most valuable team member we have and I know that we wouldn't trade you for anyone in the world. The team loved you, the wonder twins love you, hell even Hetty loves you. Most importantly I love you. I love you so much, and I love you more than a friend." I said with tears running down my face from the emotion that was released and the exhaustion from being tied up for hours. "I love you too." She said and I kissed her right before she fell unconscious. I could feel myself slipping into the darkness before I heard the sound of our team taking out Pablo and his men. The last thing I saw before everything went black was Sam and Kensi walking into the room, quickly scanning it before rushing to us. I knew we would be okay so I allowed my body to rest.

Hey, hi, hello! This probably sucked but I hope you liked this one and that you don't forget how gorgeous you are everyday! Bye! 🥂🌷🌈

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