Chapter 80 - Chin Ho Kelly

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Hello! I'm giving you a heads up already, the next few weeks are gonna be crazy for me so I don't know how much I can post but I'll try to get something out regularly. This was requested by gamingcookie321 thank you very much!
The request: this story plays out in season 1 episode 12 of Hawaii five o, so if you haven't seen that episode; spoilers.
You and Chin are dating so when you get a call from Steve saying that his life is in danger, you don't know what to do. Read to find out more.
                                    Y O U
"Chin?" You call out as you enter the house that you both shared. You throw your keys in the bowl where you keep all your keys and stuff like that and pick up the mail. "Babe! You home?" When you didn't get an answer you shrugged. "Maybe he's still at work?" You thought to yourself. You jumped when the phone rang. Seeing it was Steve your heart immediately jumped to your throat. Chin was usually home by now and if Steve was calling nothing good could have happened. While your mind went to the darkest place you didn't realize that you had missed to answer two calls from Steve. A text popped up in your screen. It was from Steve. "Y/N? Are you okay? Please answer my calls, please. It's important." Now you were really worried.
Without thinking you pressed the call button next to Steve's name and waited for him to pick up.
"She's still not answering, right?" I asked Steve when he hung up for like the fifth time. "I just sent her a text, I'm sure she's fine. She's probably just busy at work." He smiled sadly. He knew as well as I did that she would have been home by now. "When you speak of the devil." Steve said as he answered Y/N's call. "Steve? What's going on?" I could hear how worried she sounded since Steve had put it on speaker. "Y/N?" I tried my best to not sound like I was having a bomb around my neck that could easily go if at any minute, resulting in my girlfriend hearing me, and probably Steve and Danny, die. "Chin! What the hell is going on? Are you okay?" I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath before answering. "Before I tell you what's going on, I just want you to know that I love you so much, Y/N. So much and I hope I'll see you tonight." I could feel a tear run down my cheek. "Chin? Your really worrying me right now. What's going on?" I could hear that she was crying. "I'm gonna be really real with you now, okay? I've got a bomb around my neck and it could go off at any minute." The line went quiet. "Y/N?" My heart was pounding so loud in my ears I could barley hear her reply. "Where are you?"
"I'm sorry, ma'am. I can't let you through." The officer said. "Steve!" You shouted when you realized you wouldn't be let past. Steve jogged up to you and pulled out his badge. "She's with me." He said. The officer looked unimpressed. "I can't let her in unless she has a really good reason for it." Steve sighed and leant closer to the officer, probably thinking that you wouldn't hear him, he was wrong. "You know that dude back there, the one with the bomb around his neck? That right there is his girlfriend, let her in for god sake." The officer looked you up and down before letting you in. You ran towards Chin before Steve could stop you. You fell to your knees right in front of him and carefully took his head in your hands, tears blurring your vision. You rested your forehead against his. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you." You repeated it like a mantra and soon he did the same. You stayed like that until someone's phone rang. "It's Hesse." Steve said. You could hear him talk to Hesse and you could see him walk around in the corner of your eye but the only thing you could really focus on was Chin. "Dammit." Steve said, at which you and Chin broke the contact between our foreheads.  "What? What does he want?" Chin asked. "He wants 10 Million dollars." Steve sighed. As they formed a plan on how to get the money, you spaced out, thanking God that you could still feel the pulse of the man that you're currently holding hands with. You looked up when you realized that Steve, Danny and Kono had disappeared. "I can't lose you, Chin." You whispered, on the verge on breaking down in tears for the fifth time that hour. "You're not gonna lose me, baby. I promise." A few hours goes by and you can see Steve, Danny and Kono get out of the car and running towards us. "Did it work?" Kono said, out of breath. Before you or Chin could answer the bomb started to beep and Steve picked you up so that you could all get out of there, minus Chin, of course. "NO! LET ME GO!" You started to scream and claw at Steve's arms, begging him to let you go. All of a sudden the bomb just fell of Chin's neck and Steve let you go. You ran towards Chin and jumped straight into his arms and kissed him. "I'm so glad you're alive." You whispered. "Me too." He whispered back. You knew what you got your self into when you decided to date a cop but when the days end like this, you're quite glad you decided to date Chin Ho Kelly.

Hi! I hope you like this and I hope you have a really good day! Until next time! 💓🌻🌸✨

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